Article Computers Technology


Nothing is more annoying then constant interruption when you are trying to hang out with your friends on the internet
listen to music
or enjoy an online game. Especially if this is your way of unwinding from a stressful day
your housemates might see you playing a game and see that as an open invitation to engage in a mindless conversation with you. So what is the best way to zone out of your daily stresses and zone into your game
or music
or friends? The answer is simple; you are in the market for a gaming headset.

A gaming headset will allow you to listen to your music completely uninterrupted. The newest headsets utilize the latest technology in audio so you can rock out to your favorite band with the highest quality sound. A gaming headset will also give you the freedom to communicate with your friends online. There is nothing like enjoying a LAN party without having to leave the confines of your bedroom. A good gaming headset also has voice command functions
what could be better?

So where do you find good gaming headsets? Lots of companies are coming out with newer and more cutting edge models with better technologies. Chat with your friends online about which ones are the best for your needs. A good gaming headset will allow you to unwind without the annoying interruptions of siblings
or parents. Even if you are just using your gaming headset to listen to music
having a headset on is a very clear sign that you are not available for small talk at the moment.

So if you are looking to develop relationships online
continue with your internet gaming
or just listen to favorite tunes then check out a wireless headset. Newer models have awesome voice activation functions as well as technology that blocks out outside noise. Gone are the days where the person on the other line can not hear you due to a loud vacuum in the background or your roommate’s stereo playing loudly. Technology has paved the way for you to relax and regroup doing what you love to do with no interruptions by using a gaming headset.

So the next time you feel frustrated by the people around you that don’t seem to get it that you are busy – slap on your gaming headset and zone out. You will be guaranteed some time to unwind.
read more “Zone out with a New Gaming Headset”

From blogging to podcasting to creating online videos
youth are leading the way
using new media and communication tools to share breaking news
event coverage and educational information with their community.

For example
the 4-H News technology club in Jefferson County
provides on-the-spot reports through video clips and podcasts posted to their 4-H Network News Web site. Club members have covered a fire in an historic hotel and a Red Cross disaster training exercise and conducted interviews with local business leaders.

The youth are hands-on in every step of putting together the one-to-two-minute news segments. "We get ideas about what we'll do and who we'll interview
then we take the camera
tape footage
put it on the computers and edit it
15-year-old Sophie Gilbert said.

Gilbert first created a video about a school reunion but quickly saw the educational value for her community. She has produced segments about avoiding drugs and alcohol and a beach restoration project.
There is a need for us to talk about some of the important things going on in our county and in the world
she said.

The club came together as a collaboration among the local 4-H club, the Washington State University Extension office and the local newspaper. Jack Olmsted, 4-H leader for the club, Pamela Roberts, 4-H coordinator for the Jefferson County 4-H office, and the newspaper's publisher work closely with the youth.

Online media can be a priceless resource to capture not only the value of the 4-H experience
but also for our community
country and the world
said Olmsted.
The youth are getting the process down and planning segments while making them enjoyable but also informative."

The 4-H reporters publish their stories to an international audience using tools that are readily available in homes and offices-a video camera
computer linked to the Internet and telephone. "It is important to show the world that this can be done and it's easy for anyone to do
said 13-year-old Daniel Bryant.

Club members see themselves as a resource to others who want to start using online media. They also improve their public speaking skills and build self-esteem as they teach adults how to create and post news segments.

4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship and life skills.
read more “Youth Connect Communities With New Technology”

New media jobs are opening every day for women of all ages and backgrounds such as media sales jobs
media relations jobs
and many others. Magazine jobs are especially popular among women. Career women often enjoy the thrill of working on a busy magazine editing staff
photography staff
or working as a writer.

Magazine employment offers many advantages for women. Magazines often provide a good
upscale office environment with great career pay and benefits. Also
many magazines (especially online publications) allow women workers to telecommute so they can work flexible hours and stay home with their children.

Choose a Magazine Career

There are many magazine jobs for women requiring a variety of skills such as typing
graphic design
newsletter layout
and computer skills. One large magazine might employ hundreds of people on staff or as freelancers. Women can select a magazine career based on their special skills and what type of work they enjoy. They should consider what's required for the job and if they have had proper training in that area. Some magazine editor jobs or magazine writer jobs might require college training.

women can sift through jobs with magazines that cover subjects of interest to them. Every magazine has a theme such as business
home decor
working women
or gardening. Fashion magazine jobs
for instance
would be perfect for a woman who loves working in fashion and wants to have a magazine career as well.

Job Resume Tips for Women

Before applying for a magazine job
women should create a very professional
detailed resume. Two formats should be used - one for online applications and one to print for applying in person or by postal mail. The resume should be detailed with all high school
and other special training. Any skills or experience working in an office environment should be listed
even if they're not directly related to magazine work. Also
the resume should detail personal accomplishments such as musical skills
and so forth. The layout should be professional and easy to read with no grammatical errors.

Research Magazines before Applying

Media jobs for women aren't always what they seem to be. Applicants should do some legwork to find out what the job entails as far as tasks
and pay before applying. Also
there should be the opportunity to move up the career ladder later on. To do research
applicants might be able to call or email to ask questions. Otherwise
they can have a list of questions ready for the job interview.

Career Success Tips

Women's jobs can easily be found these days
but aren't always easy to keep. Once a great career has been secured
this is just the beginning. To be successful
women must work hard
be dependable
and meet deadlines. Magazine editors
and printers must complete their tasks before the print date or the magazine will not stay afloat for very long. Women who are new to the field can secure their position by showing diligence with even the smallest of tasks and by being willing to go the extra mile.

Another way to secure long-term magazine work is to be willing to start at the bottom. A woman might start out as an editor's assistant
but the opportunity to become an editor could be just around the corner. Or
she might start as a freelance writer or photographer before getting hired on as a staff employee.

Magazine jobs for women provide exciting opportunities in a variety of fields. Women of all ages are realizing their career dreams through magazine jobs and are enjoying a healthy salary and great benefits in the process. Use these magazine job hunting tips to discover your dream career!
read more “Women s Career Tips How to Land a Great Magazine Job”

Most Internet service providers have a bandwidth limit. Even if they advertise unlimited Internet
there is usually some level of transfer that will red flag in their system and cause them to take action. This is usually in the form of calling you to up-sell their service or
in extreme situations
cutting off your service.

Most people will never run into this problem. ISPs can advertise unlimited data because the soft cap (this is the bandwidth limit) is so ridiculously high that a user would have to try pretty hard to hit it. Most users can go about their business without ever coming even remotely close to the limit.

So why impose limits? From a consumer standpoint
many feel cheated by the fact that they are not really getting unlimited service when they’re paying for จunlimited service.จ But this is more to protect an ISP or WISPs customer base than anything else
after all - they don’t make more money by cutting off people’s service.

How does a bandwidth cap improve customer experience? The simple answer is that ISPs can ensure that they do not oversell their bandwidth.

So what’s the big deal with bandwidth getting oversold? As an ISP or WISP operator
you want to ensure that you are providing good service for your customers. Unfortunately your pipe is only so big
so it has to be shared between your customers. Giving one customer access to the whole pipe means that he could use all the bandwidth available and leave all the other customers with slow or no service.

So you give each customer a fraction of the pipe. Bandwidth is sold by calculating the average load per customer so you can sell to the most customers while still providing good service. If all those customers get on and try to download a bunch of data at the same exact time
you will run into problems because the bandwidth is sold to accommodate average usage.

So if one customer is maxing out his portion of the pipe most of the time by downloading huge amounts of data
it is more likely that other customers are going to run into problems. The line needs to be shared
and one person hogging up the line is going to cause unhappy customers and possibly people dropping their service. It is better to cut off the จtrouble makerจ and keep your customers who aren’t causing problems.

With properly allocated bandwidth resources
you should never be running into problems. Everyone will have great service and will be happy.

Sometimes an ISP or WISP will want to sell service plans by bandwidth. This is different from unlimited plans because instead of a soft cap you have a hard cap. This may be set anywhere from a couple gigabytes a month an up
depending on several factors like the size of the service provider’s pipe. When a customer reaches their limit - say 2GB - their service is simply cut off
or they are redirected to a page telling them they need to upgrade their plan. This is the best solution for Wireless ISPs who don’t necessarily have the capacity to give unlimited transfer to everyone on their network.

Sometime these hard-cap plans are better for consumers because they know exactly what to expect. Having an unlimited plan cut off from over usage can come as a surprise to a customer
but if you have a 2GB plan and you’re cut off after 2GB
you won’t be surprised at all.

These plans are also better for environments where your average user is a light to medium Internet user. Someone who checks their email every day
browses around for a few hours a week
and doesn’t download a lot of media will probably be fine with a plan that gives them a couple of gigabytes.

Bandwidth limits help to ensure high quality service on a shared line. If you are an extremely heavy user
you should expect to pay more for your service - after all - you’re using more than most people on the network.
read more “WISPs and Bandwidth Management”

Wireless devices are an excellent advancement in technology and electronics that allow us to enjoy the functionality of our various products. They do not need to be plugged into a base unit such as the media player
stereo system
computer or other electronic items. The wireless headset functions on the premise of communication via blue-tooth
infrared signals
or then radio signals. This type of headset enables you to enjoy music
or even enjoy your favorite movie or television series while working out
cooking or while you in the bathroom.

Such wireless headsets are specially designed keeping in mind the convience of people
so that they could enjoy their favorite movie or listen music even while they are in the middle of a room filled with people
without getting disturbed. Sometimes
it so happens that because speakers are in-built in the system of a television or music player
the sound may not be so clear. This makes the person sit too close to the system
in order to listen to the sounds and voices. However with the help wireless headset one can enjoy complete sound clarity at any distance in the room from the actual sound-generating device.

the wireless headsets have been created with effective a sound component that helps
one move about without missing any of the important sounds to be received. Even companies or call centers now days provides the staff this wireless technology
that they can attend to online conferences without having to be at their desk all the time.

Though this wireless listening mechanism provides freedom of movement while receiving the desirable sounds
yet there are certain limitations to it. The most important limitation is distance problem
because as far as distance is concerned when it comes to clarity. This means
since the device functions on signals of radio active waves or blue tooth
it is manufactured to receive signals within certain proximity of the base unit.
Beyond which it begins to grain and also lose connection.

The factors that you need to consider while keeping in mind while selecting a wireless headset are:

-The quality of the speakers and the range till where they work and also the treble.
-The comfort level: They should be comfortable and fit well into the ear so that it does not keep slipping off
or is should not be too heavy for ones ears.
-The battery life: See the battery life is sustain
which in general should be up to six to seven hours. Also make sure the battery comes with a warranty incase something goes wrong.
read more “Wireless Headset Provides you the Freedom of Movement that You Need”

Ringtones have become one of modern life’s necessary evils
something that we accept the value of while secretly cursing forever. No matter where you go during the course of your busy day
a cell phone is waiting to ring
warning its owner of an incoming call with one or another of those grating tunes that you are simply sick of hearing. Have they coined the term ‘ringtone stress’ yet?

They really should have. In times that perhaps seem more idealistic to us now
telephones were limited to offices and homes
personal or corporate spaces you entered prepared for the possibility of the variety of human engagement that occurs over telephone wires. But these days
the mobility of cell phones means that they invade almost every aspect of our lives
and they are no respecter of our boundaries. They ring no matter where we are
whether it’s on the bus or in the bathroom
demanding to be answered.

But for many people
it’s not the constant availability that upsets. Rather
it’s the actual ringtone that grates upon the nerves. This is most particularly true when the ringtone belongs to someone else
and especially when that someone can’t seem to find his or her phone
or doesn’t appear inclined to answer it. Commuting has been known to increase stress levels enormously
and it’s not just because of traffic anymore. Sometimes you think that if you have to listen to that annoying tune one second longer
you will most certainly crack. Or maybe you’ll crack the darn phone.

Perhaps the most irritating ringtone is the undecided one. This is where the user of the phone handset can’t seem to decide which ringtone it is they prefer
and decide to work it out in public. If a single ringtone has the power to raise blood pressure
just think what ten played is quick succession can do for your health. The undecided ringtone user should be placed on the list of health’s greatest foes. It must be worse for you than saturated fat.

But really
we’d be lost without our ringtones
and if a little irritability is the price we have to pay to have a range of tunes with which to identify our calls
then so be it. Without our ringtones
millions of calls could go unanswered every day
and who knows what we’d miss then? Just remember
it might be your favorite tune
but it’s not necessarily everyone else’s. Use your ringtone responsibly and help society stay as stress-free as possible!
read more “Will Someone Answer That Phone”

When it comes to choosing which kind of TV to buy
whether it’s LCD TV or Plasma TV
consumers always have a hard time deciding. That’s why we will break down everything in order to prove to consumers that an LCD TV is the much better choice over a Plasma TV.

LCD TV and Plasma TV both represent the fast advancing technology that is offering viewers the best in Television viewing. But it doesn’t mean that one would cease to try to choose between these two
the better option with regards to quality and money.

There are certain advantages for both LCD TV and Plasma TV but at a careful analysis it has been proven that the LCD TV offers more advantages compared to the strong points of Plasma TV. Here are some of the finer points that the LCD TV has proven to be the better choice. Study each carefully and hopefully it will help you a great deal in choosing what to buy and answer your question “Why one should choose an LCD TV over a Plasma TV?”

Plasma TV started out with a little advantage over the LCD TV
but with the newer models of LCD TV
it has since catch up and overtaken Plasma TV with regards to picture quality and better contrast. The new LCD TVs now offers a much better color display than Plasma TVs and to add on to that
LCD TVs holds a sizable advantage with its resolution and therefore will offer a greater viewing experience compared to Plasma TV.

When it comes to using LCD TV for game consoles
LCD TVs hold the edge over Plasma TV by having a higher amount of panel resolution
the game images will look more lifelike and will result in a greatly detailed video gaming experience. Also
these advantages of the LCD will also make it possible for texts to appear more visible on screen than the ones in a Plasma TV.

Another clear advantage of LCD TV is the high resolutions that it possess. This provides a more stable image quality that will not cause eye fatigue to viewers even for extended viewing or long hours of watching shows on LCD TV. It is also proven that LCD TV’s boasts a much lengthy lifetime compared to Plasma TVs
a study proves that LCD TVs has an average life span of about 50
hours compared to the mere 30
hours of Plasma TVs.

But the biggest and most important advantages of LCD TV other than the picture quality and lifespan is the cost of LCD TVs compared to Plasma TVs. Naturally
one would expect a much better quality and lifespan for something more expensive but that is not the case with the LCD TV and Plasma TV. LCD TV even though it relatively costs a lot cheaper than Plasma TV
it also offers the best picture quality and possess the longer life span. With all these in mind
it’s obvious that LCD TV is the best choice over its Plasma counterpart.
read more “Why you should choose an LCD TV over a Plasma TV”

When people fail to write things down
some serious consequences can occur. People lose productivity time
they waste funds
and they create stress for themselves and all of those in the environment around them. Most people fail to write things down because they believe they will be able to remember all of the important things they must during the course of the day. This
is a false idea. We find it difficult to remember all of the things we must because we are so busy. Generally
the phone rings
three people stop by your office
and you're trying to handle six tasks at once. We try to move from task to task. New thoughts pop into our minds all of the time. We are incessantly interrupted before we can complete a task. When we do write things down
we do this on small scraps of paper that will eventually become lost. Writing things down in the correct manner can put an end to all of this insanity.

In order to begin writing things down
you must develop and organized system of record keeping that works for you. A telephone log is a good place to start. You can buy a pre-made telephone log
or you can make your own. Be sure the log you choose has space to write down the name
business affiliation
and phone number of the person calling. Then be sure it has plenty of space to record both the nature of the call and the action required on your part. Additional information you can include in the log might be things like who made the call (you or the other party)
the duration of the call
the date of the call
and the time of day. This might help you to determine several things when you are analyzing your phone time like how often you talk to certain people
the time of day you are most likely to be on the telephone
and any excess time you are spending on the phone. Store the log by the phone you use most frequently for business. Every time the phone rings
grab a pencil and start writing. Use this log for both incoming and outgoing calls to make your telephone time even more productive. Even if the phone will not stop ringing
you won't forget the things you need to do or remember as a result of the call because they will be written down. A quick read through of the phone log a few times a day will help refresh your memory as to tasks left unfinished. Moreover
you will not forget what you have told clients during previous phone conversations
which can be a bit of an embarrassment at the time.

This same procedure can also be followed in the form of a visitor's log. It will help keep your from forgetting what you tell people who drop by your office on a regular basis. If you are speaking to them
and their last visits come up in the course of speaking
you can simply flip to your log and refresh your memory. It can also cut down on your failure to listen. It can be very hard not to listen to a visitor when you are writing down what your visitor is trying to say to you. It might also impress your visitor that you are being so thorough based on his or her visit.

In addition to your telephone and visitor's log
it can be very helpful to keep a small notebook with you at all times. This might help you to record thoughts or ideas that pop into your mind through the normal course of a day. You can simply buy a small notebook or you can purchase a day planner. These typically have a section for writing things like this down.

Whether you make the logs yourself or purchase them
writing things down to this degree takes persistence. You may find that you often forget to write things down. Take it one week at a time. Do not force yourself to think any further into the future than you can. By the time you hit the second week
you will find that it has become second nature to grab your log and start writing.
read more “Why You Should Always Write Things Down”

As the amount of C02 that Britain's data centres emit is more than the total annual CO2 emissions of Norwich and Oxford
it is time the IT industry took responsibility for their actions. In comparison to the widely criticised aviation industry
which accounts for 2% of the world’s total C02 carbon emissions
IT accounts for 4%.

Despite these negative figures
it is encouraging to hear in The Carbon Trust and YouGov report into employees' attitudes to carbon reduction
% said they wanted to cut their carbon emissions but wanted more guidance and empowerment.

With reports indicating that advertising on the Internet is going to take over from television later this year
being environmentally aware has never been more important. As an online provider of IT vacancies
The IT Job Board believes in the future of IT through responsible work practise. Below are tips on how to Go Green in your office and make a difference:


Each year an estimated 1 million tonnes of electrical equipment is discarded by commercial groups in the UK. As electronic goods are becoming increasingly short lived and more often than not recycled
this is becoming a growing problem. According to Gartner
despite global economic slowdown
PC sales globally grew 13 % in 2007 to 270 million computers
the vast majority of which will end up in landfill or gathering dust in garages.

Below are some tips for helping you become greener:

 30-40% of the 40 million inkjet and toner cartridges sold in the UK are remanufactured or recycled
however 12-14
tonnes still ends up in landfill. Inkjet cartridges can be refilled and most toner cartridges can be remanufactured.
 Check with your local council recycling office to see if commercial recyclables are accepted at public recycling drop-off centres.
 Before throwing your PC’s away
research commercial organisations that buy and sell business computer systems
either as complete systems
or for refurbishment
or as spares for maintenance purposes.
 There are also a number of community computer reuse projects in the UK
which facilitate the movement of redundant computers from businesses to the community.


It is vital that we reduce the amount of energy we consume
both in order to cut down on associated pollution and conserve the world’s natural resources and habitats.

 Cutting business emissions is vital given that industry
business and the public sector contribute 19% of the UK's total carbon emissions
 Encourage staff to switch off lights
photocopiers and other electrical equipment when they leave the office or not in the room.
 Enable energy-saving features on all computers and copiers.
 The use of screen savers often consumes more energy.

Many IT departments have problems as their ability to measure and monitor energy consumption is limited in most cases at the moment. Nevertheless
this should not discourage you in doing everything you can to tackle this issue of going green in you office.
read more “Why IT has to Go Green”

When it comes to ISPs
most of the main players are traditional
wired service providers. This is traditionally seen as the more reliable and secure method of data transmission. However
advances over the years in wireless technology over the years have improved the security and reliability of wireless networks.

So when do you want to use a wireless network? There are many scenarios when you need a wireless network
some when you should use a wireless network
and many where you could use either. In this article
we will discuss the where
and whys of Wireless ISPs.

The most obvious example of a place that is perfect for a WISP is in a mountainous region. When installing wired infrastructure
uneven mountainous terrain presents a problem. In addition
since the nodes (homes) tend to be further apart
you end up doing a lot of work just to wire up a single home. This is the ideal situation for a WISP. Network connectivity can be transmitted via standard 802.11 wireless protocols or via microwave transmitters.

In this situation
only one home in a mountainous area needs to be wired (or receive internet via satellite or other means). Then that home acts as a hub for all the other homes in the area. Many WISP owners have been successful covering an entire valley and providing all their neighbors with internet connectivity. Since there are usually no other options for Internet
it’s not too difficult to find clients.

Another scenario in which a wireless ISP is desirable is in an apartment complex. Since access points generally cover an area in the shape of a large sphere
one access point can cover a lot of users by placing it on the center of the middle-most floor. Larger buildings can be divided up by visualizing wireless spheres and placing them with a generous overlap in coverage.

Providing Internet access like this to tenants is ideal
because only one good backbone connection is needed and no additional wiring to individual units is necessary. As cable internet
fiber optic
and new mediums for Internet connectivity are rolled out
the building does not need to be rewired each and every time. All connectivity and network issues can be taken care of from the access points. Installation in this situation is usually easy and Internet can be provided from a maintenance closet
lease office
or a tenants apartment (who gets discounted connectivity in return for keeping the equipment in his or her apartment).

New construction areas are ideal for wireless ISPs. Often wired service providers are slow to roll out their networks in new areas
causing a high demand for Internet services. A WISP can gain enough clients in an area like this to have a strong hold when the wired service providers come rolling in. If you provide good service to your clients
they will have no reason to change and go with a wired service provider.

A WISP can be installed and run successfully in any type of neighborhood
but keep in mind that neighborhoods covering large areas with homes that are far apart are more difficult to cover.

When picking out an area to install
there are a few things to consider besides physical layout. You need to ask yourself จIs this area ripe for new clients?จ Older neighborhoods or neighborhoods with low turnover are not going to see a lot of new clients because people may already have an ISP and have no need to change.

On the other hands
areas with high turnover and a younger population result in plenty of people constantly looking for new service. If they turn on their computers and see your access point
it’s very easy for them to come to your ISP for instant service.

Keeping in mind the things discussed in this article will help you more strategically plan your ISP rollout. If your a customer
then this article will help you know what to expect in your area and maybe even inspire you to start your own WISP for you and your neighbors.
read more “Why Go Wireless With Your ISP”

People connect and converge lives through several means and ways. The fast-paced technology and the people rolling with the times have made “connecting” and keeping in touch a lot easier and convenient. With ease and convenience in mind
phone calls are even among
if not the top of the list.

Phone calls
which are known for magnifying personal touch
have been made to be of practical use through the use of prepaid phone cards. With telephone companies realizing the phone service needs
they provided prepaid cards that are geared to cut the usual call costs into reasonable amounts. Prepaid cards are card systems that are used by callers to pay for the calling services a telephone company provides. They come in different denominations
reproduced in varied designs and are made available to very accessible buying centers like 24-hour stores and the general market
to name a few. True to its name
prepaid phone cards allow a caller to pay for the cost of the call time prior to placing the call.

Prepaid phone cards are made to cater to the pressing needs of people who want convenient means of handling their calls. Since these phone cards allow for international calls
it has become very apt and useful for traveling people
tourists or even relatives trying to cross the distance. Prepaid cards have appeared to be advantageous also as far as call rates are concerned
as most prepaid cards offer the lowest rates most especially with international calls.

Prepaid international phone cards are said to be way cheaper than the standard international rates that are billed and charged on a regular telephone bill that is on a monthly subscription. This is possibly true because of the surcharge rates such as tax
monthly fee and others that are billed together with the phone call made using a regular monthly-billed telephone.

prepaid cards can vouch for both mobility and flexibility. Prepaid cards can be used basically at any part of the globe and is especially helpful to people who transport from one place to another. These cards come handy and portable and are as flexible as using any phone medium available and still charging the call to yourself.

The best thing about prepaid services is that it helps callers avoid the huge long distance telephone services come billing time at the end of the month. It is because with prepaid phone cards
a particular prepaid phone card denomination allows for a specified call time that corresponds to the prepaid phone card value or amount. Callers pay as they go with phone cards and therefore eliminate the hassle of uncontrolled telephone bills.

prepaid phone cards has become an immediate response to telephony needs but it is important to note that the will to max out the benefits of prepaid phone cards will be dependent on the choice of prepaid phone card to use
as there are a wide array of telephone service providers competing for the best service.
read more “Why Go Prepaid Benefits Of Using Prepaid Cards For International Calls”

Electricity is a naturally occurring form of energy found in nature
and human beings did not invent it. Natural forms of electricity are found in lightning and in all electro-chemical impulses within living beings. For instance
the heartbeat is controlled by a micro-impulse of electricity. All forms of thought are electro-chemical impulses traveling within the neural network in the brain.

Human beings only ‘discovered’ the existence of electricity and found ways and means of using it for constructive purposes. Westerners seemed to know around 600 B.C that amber can be charged with static electricity by rubbing it. But it was not until William Gilbert
the father of modern electricity appeared on the scene in 1600 A.D that much progress was made. He discovered the electrical properties of many substances
and it was he who coined the term ‘electricity’ from the Greek word for amber.

While advances by early pioneers were mainly experimental in nature
Henry Cavendish and Charles Coulomb began quantifying the results through mathematical equations. By the mid 1700’s a crude form of battery was invented. This enabled to standardize all forms of electrical experiments. Later Ohm and Kirchhoff used batteries to power various electric circuits and discovered the Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s Law of electric currents respectively.

It was Hans Christian Oersted who discovered that a wire carrying an electric current was surrounded by a magnetic field. D.F. Arago developed on it and invented the electro-magnet. Andr้ Marie Amp่re developed mathematical equations for electromagnetic laws. Michael Faraday invented the electric motor as well as the generator. Within half a century
engineers were able to construct power plants that could supply electricity to the consumer. All of these inventors and other unnamed ones contributed towards the discovery of the laws of electricity and electromagnetism and invented ingenious means of using it for the benefit of mankind.
read more “Who was it that Invented Electricity”

Montclair State University is mandating freshmen have a cell phone. This gives the school the opportunity to determine where the student is at any time. When this process began
the students were not really happy but
the students realize that this voluntary tracking system provides more safety. This gives the school a better way to contact students and maintain a line of communication.

Some schools are eliminating lines and jacks from their dormitories. Previously the schools were making money on these services. Since more and more students don’t connect the phones
this effectively eliminated income and became a cost for initial installation.

The University of Cincinnati has a voluntary program offering all incoming freshmen a free mobile phone. The phone features the school mascot
on the welcome screen. Some colleges are sticking with traditional phone service. Perhaps they are worried that cellular service isn’t as reliable.

In the future VOIP technology could be a viable alternative. Many colleges now have broadband access which would make this a feasible way to go.

Richard Stockton College of New Jersey is expanding its housing. The new housing will be equipped with a computer network that is wireless.

While the choices are many
it appears that colleges are making use of modern technology and looking to the future to make more innovative changes.
read more “Who Knew that Modern Technology would Eliminate Landlines on Campuses”

What you should know when selecting a professional services team for custom IVR applications

By Matt Ervin
Plum Voice

IVR solutions
as they grow more complex in their capabilities
are assuming a more prominent role in enterprises. Once merely a front line for call centers
IVR has now evolved into a tool that facilitates not only customer service
but also other processes that are ripe for automation such as workforce management
payment solutions or service order fulfillment. The vast potential of IVR-enabled automation is now prompting more and more enterprises to seek feature-rich IVR solutions that are best delivered via custom IVR application development.

When selecting a professional services team to build your custom IVR application
there are a number of things look for to ensure the quality
reliability and performance of your IVR solution.

Vertically integrated. When choosing an IVR vendor
look for a company that develops and owns the IVR technology . IVR vendors that build
own and support their technology
(the core of which is the VoiceXML IVR platform)
will provide superior technical expertise in all phases of your application development and deployment. Engineers who designed and built their own VoiceXML platform from the ground up will be better qualified to create custom IVR applications that exhibit faster performance
greater functionality and superior call quality.

VoiceXML platform certification. VoiceXML platform certification ensures interoperability of VoiceXML platforms
service providers
and applications

As VoiceXML adoption continues to grow in enterprises and carriers
certification assists customers in choosing from a wide variety of vendors and deployment options to solve their particular business needs The certification program is managed and developed by VoiceXML Forum members and provides impartiality through the use of independent third-party test laboratories.

Support for multiple speech technologies. Look for a vendor whose VoiceXML platform supports as many speech technologies as possible.

VoiceXML IVR systems should support outside resources such as speech recognition engines or text-to-speech engines in a modular manner. This is important
because as these technologies are upgraded
application functionality can be improved without modifying VoiceXML code.

Clear project management framework to guide each phase of the design
development and deployment process.

Stages of a custom application development project should include:

-Design Phase: Expect complete design specification to be written by your IVR vendor to define the application’s functionality
caller/user interface
and XML-based application programming interface (API) for the database interface.

-Implementation Phase: Expect high-quality voice application development by our experienced IVR software engineers freeing you to focus on business data while your IVR vendor focuses on the call flow.

-QA and Deployment: Expect a thorough and well-managed application test process that exercises your application end-to-end to ensure a smooth transition to production.

maintenance and management Although often underestimated
support and maintenance will strongly affect the performance and reliability of your IVR application. Look for a vertically integrated IVR vendor that has a lengthy track record of proven customer satisfaction in the industry.

Deployment options: Seek a vendor that offers both on-site IVR and hosted IVR deployments. This will allow you choice in terms of equipment management. For those that prefer to manage their own telco connection or their own IVR servers
an on-site solution will be a better fit. For those that want to outsource all aspects of the their IVR solution
including telco connectivity
infrastructure and the IVR application
hosted IVR will be the right choice.
read more “What you should know when selecting a professional services team for custom IVR applications”

other wise known as Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
is an algorithm for information transfers from a computer or server to the internet. This information enables the user to take information from the primary computer and upload it or stream it to the internet with ease. The QPSK link is not prone to degrading and therefore can be used frequently and for long periods. This makes it possible to spend more time uploading or streaming information and less time repairing or creating alternative links.
Phase Shift Keying relates to phase shifting and modulation by the use of numbered states. This is the section of the phrase that indicates its use. Phase shift keying means that the information can be shifted from one location to the other in a safe and effective manner. This information can be photographic
documentary or any thing else that one wishes to upload onto the internet. There is no limit as to what one can load onto the internet using QPSK
including entire websites.

The Q
or Quadrature
indicates the size and amount of information that can be passed through the Phased Shift Keying process. The larger the number
say an 8PSK
the faster but more prone to degradation the process is. Binary would indicate that it is able to handle 2 states and therefore 1 bit per character. Quadrature means that it is able to handle 4 states and therefore handle 2 bits of information at a time. A step higher than Quadrature is 8 which indicate 8 states of information and therefore 4 bits of information.

Much like the road ways
the higher the number of bits and states that the link must carry
the higher the degrading process and the less amount of time that the link will be able to go without repair or replacement. QPSK is a compromise between durability and speed that often works out the best for all involved. The QPSK is considerably faster than the BPSK or Binary Phase Shift Keying system
but does not lack the length of duration
although it comes close. QPSK lacks the speed in information shifting that 8PSK has but it does last longer.
read more “What Is The Difference Between QPSK And The Other PSK Links”

Subnetting is
at it’s essence
the process of allocating bits from a host portion of a network as a network portion of that same network. This is done with networks that are using the Internet Protocol
or IP address system to create a subnetwork (also known as a subnet) of logical addresses within a particularly limited address space that is assigned to a business
organization or other large group.

With every IP address
there is a subnet mask associated with it. The subnet mask is designed to determine which and how many IP addresses are on any given local network. The router or firewall is known as a default gateway
as it is the device that is contacted every time a computer wants to access another computer that is not located within the same local network.

The subnet mask that most people are familiar with is This is the default mask for most systems. As is the case with all IP addresses
the last digit can range from 1 to 254--and that’s it. If there are more than 254 computers or other network devices that require IP addresses on a network
the subnet mask will run out of space.

How is subnetting used to extend the number of devices on a local network?

There are two different options for a systems administrator when a local network runs out of space in it‚ฤ๔s subnet mask. One option is to change the subnet mask to allow for more devices. The other option is to add a router to extend the IP address range and essentially start over with a fresh subnet mask. Faster networks that have a lot of data transferring around should add a switch or router while smaller networks that will not exceed 300 devices should extend the subnet mask.

While keeping with the same IP addresses
all hosts should have their subnet masks changed to With this simple change via subnetting
the network will now be able to grow much larger and have a range of IP addresses from to With subnetting in this example
it is extremely important that all hosts are changed to the new subnet mask. If they are not
the network will experience communication issues and various other performance problems with the network.
read more “What is Subnetting”

ScanDisk checks and repairs file systems and bad data clusters. ScanDisk is a system utility which is bundled with and all Microsoft Windows Operating Systems.
Scandisk was programmed to check the integrity of the hard disk drive to ensure that there are no significant issues which could corrupt your computer data. It is used to scan your hard disk for errors caused by improper shutdowns
It was first seen in MS-DOS version 6.2. Previous versions of MS-DOS had only a very basic
purely text-based program called CHKDSK. From Windows 95
SCANDISK added a GUI (Graphical User Interface).
The disk scanning utility bundled with Windows NT
Windows 2000 and Windows XP is also called CHKDSK and has the ability to check NTFS disk drives. From Windows 2000 onwards
it has been integrated with Disk Properties under the title of "error-checking".
The ScanDisk utility is owned by Microsoft
which originally purchased it from Norton (now Symantec).
Scandisk can scan and correct errors in your computer and can fix damage caused to critical Windows files
thereby improving system performance.
You can find Scan Disk in Windows 95 and 98 by going to Start Menu. Afterwards
go to Programs/Accessories/System Tools/ScanDisk.
In Windows 2000 and other later versions of Windows
Scan Disk has been given the title “Error Checking” under disk properties.
In order to run Scan Disk in Windows 2000 and Windows XP
you need to press the Start button and click on My Computer. On the list of disk drives
select the drive you want to scan. Then
click on the File menu and choose Properties. On the Tools tab page
click on the Check Now button. As a final note
you should ideally use the Scan Disk feature once a month in order to ensure that your PC is free from errors.
read more “What is Scan Disk”

S/PDIF is a type of data link layer and physical layer for the transfer of digital audio signals between multiple devices or stereo components. S/PDIF is an acronym for Sony / Philips Digital Interconnect Format or Sony Philips Digital Interface. As described in the acronym
the S/PDIF format was developed during joint operations between Sony and Philips. It is a minor modification of the AES/EBU (Audio Engineering Society / European Broadcasting Union) specification from 1985. However
unlike the AES/EBU
the S/PDIF format was developed specifically for home
consumer use
as it requires hardware that is not as expensive as those required by the AES/EBU model.

What is S/PDIF used for?

S/PDIF is used to transfer digital audio to a variety of home audio equipment. Common devices that can take advantage of the S/PDIF format include: DVD players
computer sound cards
CD players
and receivers. The most common connection is made between a DVD player and a receiver for high quality Dolby Digital or DTS surround sound. However
it is also fairly common to connect a CD player to a receiver using the S/PDIF cables as well.

What are the differences between the AES/EBU standard and S/PDIF?

The AES/EBU standard provided the building blocks for what would become S/PDIF. The two formats differ in their use of cabling
signal level
subcode information
and maximum resolution. However
both formats use biphase mark code for modulation.

The AES/EBU format uses a more robust 110 ohm shielded cable while the S/PDIF format uses a more consumer friendly 75 ohm coaxial cable or fiber cable. AES/EBU can also use a 75 ohm coaxial cable as well. The AES/EBU format can take advantage of XLR
or BNC connectors while the S/PDIF format uses RCA
or TOSLINK connectors.

The signal level found with the AES/EBU specification ranges from 3 to 10 volts while the S/PDIF signal level ranges from 0.5 to 1 volt. Subcode information is provided via ASCII ID text for AES/EBU while subcode information is provided via SCMS for S/PDIF. Furthermore
the max resolution for AES/EBU is 24 bits while the S/PDIF format provides a max resolution of only 20 bits.

What are the other specifications for S/PDIF?

The most common digital signal transfer frequency over S/PDIF is 48 kHz for DAT (Digital Audio Tape) or 44.1 kHz for CD quality audio. There is no defined data rate for S/PDIF
which uses Biphase mark code instead that allows for one or two transitions for every bit.
read more “What is S PDIF”

What is rear projection television? The term comes from the fact that the rear projection TV sends the image onto the viewing screen from behind the screen. When you are in a movie theater
the image in projected onto the front of the screen. That is why the projector is behind the audience in a movie theater.

If you are really into television
that the bigger the screen the better
right? If you feel that way about your television viewing
then no doubt you are considering moving up to the big
big televisions that are now available in the market.

While most of the recent interest is on flat screens and LCD screens
improvements in rear projection TV makes this a wise purchase to consider. Advances in the quality of the picture using rear projection TV make this a reasonable and less expensive alternative to the big flat screen televisions.

Advances in the technology of rear projection TV provide a variety of models that have never been available before. Your normal television set probably uses a CRT or cathode ray tube to project the image. Many rear projection TV use the same technology.

These units are quite large though when you increase the screen size very much. There are offsetting picture quality benefits. You may get better blacks and colors
but if the image is not properly aligned
this type and rear projection TV can produce improper color blending.

Another type of rear projection TV is based on a Liquid Crystal Display. However
this is not the same as the LCD used in a flat panel screen. This type of rear projection TV offers many advantages including that the size of the unit is quite small in comparison to the CRT models.

There is high contrast and brightness in the LCD based rear projection TV picture. Some disadvantages also exist. I will not go into the 'technical' but sometimes the image looks a little fuzzy
described as trying to watch TV while looking through a screen door.

Perhaps the newest rear projection TV technology is called Digital Light Processing. As the name implies
your television image is digitized and computerized and whatever else high technology does
but you get a great picture quality without some of the disadvantages of the other types. Problems with this type of rear projection TV is that include what is called the 'rainbow' effect if you move you eyes quickly from the TV to the surrounding room.

Find a reputable dealer
explain your viewing needs
and look at the different types of rear projection TV yourself. There is no reason not to have the best and biggest viewing experience with all this new technology in the rear projection TV.
read more “What Is Rear Projection Television”

Anyone who works as their own tech geek on their computer system may be highly concerned about what is ram? It is a very important piece of a computer system. It is Random Access Memory which is the location where the application programs
the operating system
and data presently in use are stored. This way the computer's processor has the ability to reach them momentarily when needed. RAM is head and shoulders above the other various types of storage inside a computer system. It's even faster than floppy disk
hard disk
or CD-ROM. The information stored in RAM is only accessible for the length of time that a computer is begin run. Information previously stored in RAM disappears when a computer is shut down. When the computer is turned back on
information from hard disk is retrieved to bring RAM back to the forefront again. RAM is much like main memory that is accessible by programs.

How Does it Work?
RAM operates much like a human being's short-term memory. Much like the human brain RAM is able to draw upon the computer's long term memory for information. This is often necessary when short term memory becomes full. Most computers come equipped with at least 256 million RAM bytes plus the hard disk which has the capability of holding 40 billion bytes. Data is placed on a magnetized area that resembles a record. Computer printers also hold bytes of RAM as well. Each byte of RAM has the ability to be ascertained separately without the other bytes being accessed.

Types of RAM
RAM comes in dual forms. DRAM which is Dynamic Random Access Memory and SRAM which is Static Random Access Memory. DRAM is the most typical of the two types. DRAM requires refreshing at a rate reaching in the thousands each second. DRAM's times for accessing information are 60 nanoseconds. SRAM is more costly
but does operate at a much quicker pace than DRAM. The interlocking of a capacitor and a transistor produces a memory cell. This is one bit of data. Also
SRAM allows access at times as quick as 10 nanoseconds.
read more “What is RAM”

PHProxy is a type of proxy website that allows one to gain access to websites that would otherwise be blocked. These PHProxy websites allow for the free and unchallenged entry on to websites such as and without a user name or a registered computer. These PHProxy websites also allow for access into government websites and corporate websites which can cause serious harm or danger to the business and security of the nation and its corporations. These PHProxy websites can come in handy for those who fear security problems with the different websites
but these PHProxy websites are most often used by hackers and those who have been previously denied access to a website.

PHProxy sites are designed to allow the uninterrupted access to other websites. This access can help one in accessing websites that are governmentally blocked in some countries
although America does not have that problem. PHProxy websites are primarily used in hacking or for those who are too young to have access to an adult website. These PHProxy websites are also used to glean information from larger companies to their competitors or smaller companies and vice versa.

The PHProxy websites are great for those who are in foreign countries where the government controls their internet access and servers. For them
the use of a PHProxy website allows for the free viewing of items their government wishes to hide from them. This could be the news from other countries
news from their own country
or views that are differing from what the government wishes to have the public hear and follow. In these countries
control of the media translates into control of the people.

In America
PHProxy websites are typically only used by those individuals who have been banded from a website or who wish to hack into a website with a limited chance of being followed or traced back to their home or computer. This can pose serious problems to those websites that are doing their best to provide adult information while excluding children and for other companies who are seeking to keep their information private. Not many Americans use the PHProxy websites to limit their chances of obtaining a virus or for privacy.
read more “What is PHProxy and How Can I Use It”

ISAKMP stands for Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol. ISAKMP is a protocol used for establishing the security associations and the cryptographic keys. A security association is used to support secure communication and it refers to the establishment of the shared security information between two networks.

Security Associations contain all the information required for various security services and ISAKMP defines the required procedures and the packet formats so as to establish
modify and delete Security Associations.

ISAKMP is different from the key exchange protocols as ISAKMP clearly separates the details of the security association management from the details of the key exchange. ISAKMP defines packet formats which provide a framework for transferring the authentication and the key data.

It is possible to implement Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol over any transport protocol but the implementation must include the send and receive capability for ISAKMP using User Datagram Protocol on port 500.
read more “What is ISAKMP”

otherwise known as International Mobile Equipment Identification
is a series of numbers that identifies key elements of the phone that it can be registered to a single user and reported stolen if necessary. This IMEI is also used for identification in phone tracing methods and terrorist activities identification. This number is printed or etched onto the phone behind the battery so that it may be found when necessary.

The information that the IMEI is able to store on the phone is amazing. Not only is each number different
but each number can explain the origin of the phone
the model
and the serial number. This can come in handy if the phone is stolen or if the phone needs to be used as evidence for any legal action. The original purpose of this IMEI number was so that if the phone were to get stolen
the phone owner could call the network provider and have the phone blocked so that it could not be used with any provider. This purpose has been expanded to cover phone identification for legal processes.

In addition to the IMEI being located behind or under the battery
one can locate the number on the phone. For those new phones
one simply has to dial the phone and wait for it to answer. For phones that have been refurbished
one should check to see if the number the phone gives verses the engraved number are the same and should contact your provider if not. If the IMEI numbers between the phone and the engraving do not match
one should call their provider and ensure that it is not going to cause problems later for them.

Because the IMEI is the identification number of the phone and is often used to deter phone theft
it is illegal in many places to own the equipment or to perform the act of physically changing the IMEI on a phone. The act of or the ability to change the IMEI on a phone would make it possible to use a stolen phone that has been banned by the phone service providers. This then encourages theft and makes it difficult to track the phone. In some cases
this can be punishable in a court of law.

To guard against the purposeful changing of the numbers and the incorrect entry of an IMEI number
the phone companies have created a check number that can be derived from the numbers in the IMEI. This number helps by making it impossible for an individual to change then numbers without upsetting the charge mouth.
read more “What is IMEI”

Hyperterminal is a program that is designed to perform the functions of communication and terminal emulation. Also known as HyperTerm
the program has been offered as part of Microsoft operating systems since the release of Windows 98. Essentially
Hyperterminal can make it possible to make use of the resources of another computer by establishing a link between the two systems.

What Can Hyperterminal Do?

The original design for Hyperterminal made it possible to use a standard telephone line to establish a dialup connection between two computers. The program would make use of the internal modem of the host or main computer and use a service such as Telnet to establish the connection to the secondary computer. This connection could be exploited to transfer data and files from one system to the other
without the need to save data to some sort of exterior device and then manually load the data onto the other system.

Along with making data transfer between two computers a relatively easy process
Hyperterminal also made it possible for the main system to access and utilize a bulletin board service located on the second system. The program can also be used to troubleshoot issues with modems
or help to make sure a newly installed modem is functioning correctly.

How Does Hyperterminal Work?

Hyperterminal makes use of serial ports and the controls associated with external devices. These devices can vary and include such options as radio communications equipment
and instruments used for scientific measurements and similar endeavors. The connections provided by Hyperterminal make it easy to retrieve data from these sources
as well as be able to execute commands to the devices from the main computer system.

When checking the status and operability of a device such as an exterior modem
Hyperterminal can be used to verify that the connections are aligned properly and that the command to activate the dialer on the modem is functioning properly. Essentially
Hyperterminal sends a mock command to the modem and walks the device through all the steps of establishing connectivity with the network. Accessing Hyperterminal is easily accomplished through the Start menu of any Windows based system.
read more “What is Hyperterminal”

EEPROM is a type of ready-only memory that can be modified by the user of the ROM. This is different from more standard types of read-only memory that are locked and not subject to any type of modification by the average user. Short for electrically erasable programmable ready-only memory
EEPROM can be modified with the use a higher than usual jolt of electricity. One unique form of EEPROM is flash memory
which will make use of the normal PC voltage to manage the functions of erasing and reprogramming the memory.

What is the Advantage of EEPROM?

For most end users
there is no real advantage to EEPROM. Generally
the ROM included on most computers is enough for consumer needs. Only in the event that there is a need to completely erase details from the read-only memory
such as with corporations who are worried about security breaches
is there any real benefit to EEPROM.

Are EEPROM Chips The Same Thing?

While EEPROM chips are essentially configure the same
they are a little different from the read-only memory resident on the system. For one thing
chips have to be removed from a system in order to be wiped. EEPROM can actually remain in the hard drive and be wiped with a sufficient dose of electricity.

Can I Pick and Choose What To Erase?

it is an all or nothing situation. There is no way to select certain files or other data stored in the read-only memory and protect it from the erasing activity. Therefore
it is recommended that no attempt be made to modify the content on EEPROM unless the user is sure that nothing contained in the memory needs to be retained for some reason. Once the data is wiped
it cannot be retrieved.

How Often Can I Erase EEPROM?

Keep in mind that there is a limited life to EEPROM. That is
there are only so many times that the memory can be erased before it fails. The exact number of times will depend on the manufacturer guidelines. It is important to realize that the recommended number of times that EEPROM can be erased and reprogrammed is an approximation
so this action should only be conducted on as needed basis.
read more “WHAT IS EEPROM”

The CPU of a computer is the part of it which performs all of its logical and arithmetic calculations. All calculations are done by first converting the user's input into binary
and then the calculations are performed on the binary. The binary system consists of only two different digits – 0 and 1. They are referred to as the logical zero and logical one. For every calculation the computer alternates between these two numbers. A single change from 0 to 1 or vice-versa is known as a clock cycle. The speed of a CPU is measured in clock rate. In short
the clock rate is the frequency of the clock in a circuit. It is measured in Hz
MHz (Million cycles per second) and GHz. The clock rate can also be defined as the speed at which the microprocessor executes instructions. This rate is used to compare the speeds of different computers.

The clock rate of a CPU depends on various factors such as system architecture
clock rate of RAM and file system
so two computers with the same clock rates may not perform the same. The first commercial PC the Altair 8800 which used the Intel 8080 chip had a speed of 2MHz while the original IBM had a clock rate of 4.77 MHz.

The Intel Pentium (2002) chip ran at 300MHz while the more recent Pentium IV runs at 3 GHz (3 billion cycles per second).
To find your CPU's speed (Windows):

Right click on “My Computer” and click on “Properties”.

Under the “System” section
look for Processor - The processor’s name as well as speed (in GHz) will be mentioned.
read more “What is CPU Speed”

A computer temperature
as the name clearly states
is the temperature of your computer. This is largely a sum of various devices giving off heat within the system. These can include the hard drives
graphic cards
power supplies
and the CPU
which gives off the most heat. The heat from these hardwares can have multiple negative effects on the machine
ultimately decreasing the life span of the computer.

The Origin of the Heat
Most of the heat within your computer comes from what is known as the Joule effect. This is basically when electric energy is transformed into heat energy. The many wires (conductors in this case) within the computer have numerous internal interconnections
and this is exactly where the Joule effect happens: a shock slams the electrons and the conductor ions together
creating a bit of heat energy in the process.

The Negative Effects of a High Temperature
 A high temperature increases the possibility of a total burnout with one of your hardwares.
 Also
a high temperature can cause internal circuits within the hardwares to be severely damaged.
 Reduces the overall life-span of the computer.

Monitoring and Keeping the Computer Temperature Low
There are many ways to keep your computer temperature low. Foremost of all
it is necessary to monitor the temperature to see if it is at an acceptable temperature or not. There are many great free softwares on the web today that can be used to monitor the temperature of your computer.

SpeedFan (
SpeedFan may still be in a BETA stage
but it certainly is a clean and powerful software already. It measures the temperature of the computer using the hardwares within the computer. Many hardwares actually have temperature sensors connected to the computer and the software uses these to find the temperature. This software also allows you to immediately alter the temperature by adjusting the fan speed

SensorsView (
SensorsView is a great free utility that lets you monitor the temperature of your motherboard
graphic card
hard drives
and even voltages and fan speeds. It has an internal warning system that works in hand with a critical level scale. Despite its very light size
the free version is extremely powerful and has many features that can help one constantly monitor his/her computer’s temperature.

Although there are many of these free computer temperature monitor programs available on the Internet
they act just as markers and assistants. A combination of these types of softwares and a care for the computer by the computer own must be done together to maintain the good health of the computer. Some suggestions include:
 Correct positioning of the fans within the computer case and an ample of it too.
 Making sure that the airflow within the computer is quite smooth and easy.
 Frequently cleaning the inside the of the case and the hardwares too
to free them of dust
which can play a big role in augmenting the overall computer temperature.
 Giving the computer a breather or two by not leaving it on all the time.
 Lowering the overall room temperature. (eg. Keeping the air condition always on in a computer lab)
read more “What is Computer Temperature”

Most new phones are equipped with GPS (Global Positioning System) to be able to be tracked by the provider. These type of phones can be tracked by satellites that are orbiting the earth. These satellites used to only be used by the government to help during warfare
but over the past several years
this technology has been put to use in many new different ways.

The basic principle behind the GPS technology that makes this work is the ancient practice of triangulation. If you're not familiar about this practice
it basically works like this. You use two very distinctive landmarks to mark the center position. The thing is you have to know the exact distance between the two landmarks in order to make this practice become accurate. Once you know the exact distance between the two landmarks
you make your self become the third vector to complete the triangle.

GPS uses your cell phone with the GPS system inside it
and uses the satellite as its two basic landmarks. Based on how far the signal is away from the satellite's relative position in the sky
a computer can figure the location of the device giving off the signal to within a few feet.
read more “What is Cell Phone Tracking”

Active X is a software technology that was released by Microsoft; basically this technology allows content or programmed capabilities to be sent from the web to a Microsoft Window's computer.

Active X in its earlier form was OLE and COM technologies. OLE stands for Object Linking and Embedding and COM stands for Component Object Model. Active X was primarily developed so that end users on MS Windows computers can interact with content and link files such as MS Word Documents or Excel spreadsheet documents from a computer to the web with ease.

In this case
an internet browser visiting a website with Active X would be able to view a Word or Excel document directly in their web browser. Unfortunately Active X was created with poor security features and lacked even basic security controls. For this reason many computer security experts discouraged its use.
OLE (Object Linking and Embedding)

OLE allows an object from one application; let's say a MS Excel table to be embedded into another application- a MS Word Document. In this specific situation
the MS Excel table becomes an object
it is then cut or copied and pasted directly into the MS Word document and saved. OLE allows a user or group of users to work on separate parts of a master file and then quickly compound it or put it all together.

Microsoft renamed OLE
calling it Active X in 1996. In 2005
Microsoft has dropped its support for Active X primarily due to a loss in a patent lawsuit. This means that in newer editions of IE web browser
end users will no longer be able to interact with Active X without first activating it. For instance
many media files such as Flash
etc must first be activated. Before
you can usually roll over a media item with your mouse or open a page in your web browser to start active X
now you must first directly interact with the media object and for instance click the item to start a file or to interact with its properties.
read more “What is Active X”

Active Directory is one of the enhancements that first appeared on the computer technology scene with the launch of Microsoft's Windows 2000 architecture. This innovation in directories made use of many of the system directories of times past
and sought to enhance those features while adding additional functionality. Active Directory was designed with the specific idea of enhancing the function of distributed networking environments.

How Does Active Directory Compare to Other Directories?

Active Directory covers the same basic functionality that is found in other major directories designed for similar purposes. Like the Novell Directory Service
or NDS
Active Directory provides a central and standard platform to work with. This platform helps to automate the ability of the network to manage all sorts of resources
such as security protocols
user data
and the whole range of distributed sources. Because Active Directory is designed as a Microsoft product
it is especially configured to work with various Windows operating systems.

What Are Some Of The Features of Active Directory?

Because Active Directory is meant to function as a support for distributed networking environments
several features speak to that functionality.

Active Directory provides support for the secure extension of network functions onto the World Wide Web.
Active Directory allows for a logical single point of access for overseeing the functions of the system
such as creating and managing user accounts
and servers.
Active Directory supports the X.500 standard required for directories involved in a global environment.
Active Directory makes use of an object-oriented programming and storage format
making it easier to access information
Active Directory is configured to make use of both forward compatible and backward compatible functionality.
Active Directory includes support for LDAP or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
which helps to enhance the ability to make use of several subdirectories.

Since the creation of Active Directory
the service has proven to be widely successful and has helped to further spur development into ways to make the most of distributed networking environments. As access to the Internet have become more mobile in recent years
the important of Active Directory has continued to expand.
read more “What is Active Directory”

A Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) is a group of hosts that feature a like set of requirements and can communicate as though they were all connected via the same wires. However
unlike a traditional LAN
a VLAN is not necessarily all in the same place
and the hosts involved in the network can be located practically anywhere. All VLANs have the exact same attributes as a traditional physical local area network
though they can be configured via software instead of having to actually relocate the hosts.

Many VLANs are designed as replacements to the services that are traditionally provided by routers on physical LANs. VLANs are able to tackle issues like network management
and scalability with ease.

VLANs are known as Layer 2
or Data Link layer
constructs which transfer data between network nodes. Because they are Layer 2 constructs
they can interface with Layer 3 IP subnets with a one to one relationship.

How are VLANs designed?

The IEEE assigned IEEE 802.1Q as the protocol by which to configure virtual LANs. IEEE 802.1Q provides for a header with a 2-byte protocol identifier and another 2-byte tag control information. These are known as TPID and TCI
respectively. The TPID is fixed at 0x8100 while the TCI contains information pertaining to the user priority
canonical format indicator
and VLAN identifier.

What are the two types of VLAN memberships?

VLAN membership can be assigned in one of two ways. Static or Dynamic.

A Static VLAN is also known as a port based VLAN. These types of VLANs are created by assigning specific ports to a VLAN. As new devices enter into the VLAN network
the device assumes a specific port. If end users change ports but require access to the same VLAN
network administrators are required to assign new port to VLAN assignments for the new port.

A Dynamic VLAN is designed to be easily configured using software. The most common software for designing dynamic VLANs is CiscoWorks
a program developed by Cisco. A VLAN Management Policy Server (VMPS) must be set up first for a dynamic VLAN. This server will allow the VLAN to automatically switch ports whenever new devices connect to the VLAN. It uses information such as the device’s ports
unique usernames
and MAC addresses to determine whether or not to change ports to fit the needs of the incoming device.
read more “What is a VLAN”

A torrent file is the file that is transferred among users using the torrent technology. The file extension used by torrent files is .torrent. Torrent files
when added into a torrent application
can be distributed among numerous amounts of people without the need of any major hardware costs and server fees on a particular individual. This is because each user supplies bits of the full torrent file to users without those particular bits
while receiving bits that they do not yet have. Therefore
torrent files can also be shared relatively quickly.

Torrent technology was first planned and developed by Bram Cohen in April 2001. After months of development
it first went public in 2 July
Cohen’s technology is widely used. Although there are no specific measurements
it is considered as one of the most significantly used protocols in the Internet today.

Behind the Technology
The torrent technology is operated by a torrent client sending bits of the torrent file through a torrent protocol. A torrent client would be for example a personal computer while the torrent file can be of any file in the .torrent format.

For the sharing to begin
first a user must create a .torrent file (eg. File.torrent). A torrent file contains information
such as the tracker
the main computer distributing the file first
and the metadata
information about the files in the torrent file. People wishing to obtain the information must first download the torrent file (in this case
run it with their torrent application
and then connect with the tracker
which will give orders on where to download what bits of the torrent file.

Torrent Files vs. HTTP Files
Although torrent files and its sharing are technically a transfer of files over the network
it has its strengths compared to the old-school HTTP downloading style. Firstly
when downloading files
web browsers will make one HTTP GET request through one TCP socket. However
torrent files make numerous amounts of small data requests over many TCP sockets. Also
HTTP will download in an order—what is first will be downloaded first; however torrents download in a random way—whatever is of high availability will be downloaded first.

This is exactly why the torrent files have its strengths; it doesn’t need much financial back
it has a higher redundancy
and a better resistance to potential abuse from flash crowds than what would be a frequent thing with HTTPs. However
as with everything
there is a downside. It takes a bit of time for downloads to be running in full throttle
as connecting to other peers can tae time. Also
becoming an effective uploader also takes time. Not to forget
while torrent file downloading will reach immensely high speeds
the speed will eventually fall near the end of the download as availability of the bits of the torrent file decrease.

Sharing Torrents and Files
First a user browses through the Internet looking for torrent files. Once a torrent file is obtained
the user will connect it through a torrent application and connect with the tracker. Then
the user will begin to download off of seeders and a group of peers known as the “swarm.” If there is one seeder
the user will directly connect to that seeder and begin to download
but eventually start to exchange files with other peers too
which lessens the burden on the seeder.

Applications of Torrent Files
torrent files are widely used today by many individuals and some corporations.
 Some bands like “Ween” uses torrent files to distribute their free albums
 .torrent files are increasingly used by Podcasters to meet the high demands of these radio MP3s
 The game America’s Army uses torrent files to release their updates and patches for the games
 An immense number of open source and free softwares utilize torrent files to increase availability and awareness of the projects

Torrent Files’ Limitations
Although torrent files seem to be another great way to download and share files
it has some limitations such as security issues.
 IP Address Exposed: The use of torrent files can lead to anonymity issues
as all IP addresses of current and potentially previous swarm users can be found and abused
 Internet Speeds: It is best to use broadband when sharing torrent files
so dial-up users cannot take full advantage of the torrent technology
 Leeching Problem: While sharing torrent files is good
it doesn’t have many incentives behind it. Thus
there is no real reason to continue to seed after the download has finished. To fix this issue
some torrent sites have begun to limit the download speeds of users who do not upload often.

Free Torrent Applications to Download Torrent Files
In today’s market there are both quality free open source and paid products to download torrent files.
 BitTorrent: BitTorrent is the first and official torrent client made by Bram Cohen himself. It is supported in major operating systems such as Microsoft Windows
and Linux.
 Azuerus (Vuze): This is also a widely used torrent client first released in SourceForge in June 2003. Released under the GNU General Public License
Azuerus is a constantly developed
free client.
 ตTorrent (uTorrent): uTorrent
also known as microTorrent
is a torrent client written in C++. Because of its small size but a powerful interface
it is another widely used free torrent client. It was first released on December 7
between BitTorrent
Inc. and Ludvig Strigeus
but was later fully acquired by BitTorrent
Inc. because of the application’s popularity
and power.
read more “What is a torrent file and how does it work”

Proxy sites are web pages that provide Internet users with the ability to browse web sites that may be blocked by a content filter of some type. By making use of the proxy site as the portal to the blocked site
it is possible to circumvent the work of whatever filter is in place. At the same time
the proxy site also helps to mask the visit to the site
so that there is less evidence that the content filter was not successful in preventing the visit.

How Does A Proxy Site Work?

the proxy site will provide the same ability to browse the Internet as any other browser. What is a little different is that instead of being able to conduct general searches for content
a proxy site allows the user to key in a specific web address and be directed to that specific page in a window that resides on the proxy site. This accomplishes two things. First
the window is coded as part of the proxy site address and not the actual web site the user is visiting. Second
any information cached on in the temporary Internet files will appear to be information related to the proxy site
and not the blocked web site.

Why Use A Proxy Site?

One of the legitimate uses of a proxy site is to get around blocked content that may contain one or two words that the filter has identified as inappropriate for viewing. Many companies make use of filters to limit the ability of employees to spend time looking at web pages that are not related to job functions in some manner. This is usually accomplished with the use of key words that programmed into the filter
which in turn blocks any page or site with those words present. While this does block access to a number of sites that have nothing to do with work
they can also inhibit access to pages and glossaries that are designed to be helpful in many job positions.

When this is the case
an employee may choose to use a proxy site to get around the block and be able to get to a page that he or she legitimately needs to view in order to accomplish a work related task. Since using a proxy site does not take much longer than using a browser window
it is much faster than calling technical support and trying to get authorization to remove a given word from the filter list.

Another advantage of using the proxy site is that the IP address of the user is not logged. This can be a great way to get around the proliferation of adware and spyware that is all too often connected to a given web site. Using the proxy site means less cleanup for the virus protection software to handle
and thus less resources required to keep the workstation clear of problems.
read more “What is a Proxy Site”

A netmask calculator is basically a script or a program that automatically calculates the netmask numbers for you. Netmask is simply a code of numbers that is used to correctly transfer messages among machines in the same subnet. So
a netmask would work together with the router to determine whether the data goes. For example
if the host’s IP address was and the netmask was
the netmask is responsible for telling the machine what numbers in IP address are the subnet and what numbers in the IP address is the machine. In this case
would be the subnet part while 41 would be the machine part. So
any machine in the 63.172.202 would be part of the (local) subnet and thus
the netmask is exactly what assists in differentiating the IP address.

Behind the Calculation of a Netmask
Before anything else
it is advised to use freely available online netmask calculators as most modern equipments do not need a full understanding of how the netmask works to correctly configure them. In fact
most of the newer models have been hard coded to force a netmask. Nonetheless
such calculating knowledge in needed when dealing with older equipments.

Firstly an internet protocol (IP) address is divided into three main sections when looking at the first octet ( Class A
Class B
and Class C. One of the rules of the IP address are that Class A should be 0-127
Class B should be 128-191
and Class C should be 192-222 with everything else reserved for a special reason. Basically
these classes in the IP addresses are what determine the netmask. Class A means a netmask of
Class B means a netmask of
and Class C means a netmask of Thus
a simple knowledge of which class implies which netmask is the key to calculating the netmask.

Free Online Netmask Calculators
most of the modern equipments used today have been hardcoded to have a netmask of However
there are also readily available scripts and softwares available that can help in the calculation.
read more “What is a netmask calculator and how do I calculate it”

A Multilayer PCBs consist of multiple layers of electronic components placed over each other.

Through-hole construction was the technology that was used to deal with planting the electrical components through the holes on the Printed Board Curcuit and then soldering them together. When this technology was found wanting in complex cases
Point-to-Point construction technology evolved. This proved to be better than its predecessor
but in no way is it comparable to a multilayer PCB. The development of multilayer PCB has allowed electronic companies to drastically cut down on the cost and size of their products.

The functionality of a multilayer Printed Board Circuit depends on the internal connections between the various components that make up the entire device. Until and unless these components work in tandem
the device is non-functional. In the case of most technology
the urge to improve product performance makes the products bulky
whereas the flexible design of the multilayer PCBs has entirely replaced the rigid single-layered PCB design. The high-class wiring and the flexible parts have improved the performance of many products
especially automated and complex devices such as computers and cellular phones. Technology today has come a long way
culminating in the manufacture of multilayer PCBs that can contain as many as twenty-four layers
depending on usage and the complexity of the product itself. Multilayered PCBs have also facilitated the ease of manufacturing
since most of them are pre-mounted and prefabricated. Although manufacturing these prefabricated multilayered PCBs is a complex process
the final stage has now become a matter of assembly rather than manufacturing.

Any discussion of this technology would be incomplete without mentioning the tools and materials that are required for using a multilayer PCB. These are:

*Powerful drill
*Copper etcher
*Laminating press
*Copper plating cell
*And most importantly - a well-ventilated area

The reasons behind the development of the multilayer PCB are numerous
although some may think the technology was unnecessary while standard PCBs were doing fine. As discussed earlier
a multilayer PCB has a more flexible structure and can considerably reduce the size of the device. This is not the only reason. The cost of production using conventional PCBs was very high and costs only increased with new developments. By contrast
a multilayer PCB
in addition to providing revolutionary on-board components
more often than not needs only reprogramming. Moreover
mass production has become easier due to prefabricated multilayered PCBs. Instant installation or assembly of multilayer PCBs means electronic companies have definitely experienced a rise in their production rates.

In case you are wondering about the longevity or quality of these circuit boards
they are very well packaged and can be left as they are for future use. Once each board is completed
it is thoroughly tested to make sure that it functions properly. In cases of failure
the repair process is easy and can be achieved by replacing the board itself instead of resorting to component-level troubleshooting.
read more “What is a Multilayer PCB”

A dBm
also referred to as a dBmW
is the notation used for the ratio of power in decibels (dB) to one milliwatt (mW). dBm is commonly used in a variety of ways
but most commonly refers to the power used by radio
fiber optic networks
and microwaves. Furthermore
dBm is also used as a convenient way of measuring the absolute power of something because it can be used to express very small values as well as very large values in a compact and easy to read way.
Because dBm is referenced to the watt
or more specifically
the milliwatt
dBm is a measure of absolute power instead of relative power. A measurement of dBW is referenced to one watt or 1000 mW.
This is a measurement of absolute power despite the decibel being what is known as a dimensionless unit
or a unit that is used to quantify the ration between two different values. Dimensionless units
like the decibel
are used to place a value on something that technically has no physical units. Therefore
dimensionless units are known as pure numbers.
dBm can either have a positive or a negative value depending on the situation. A positive dBm value indicates that there is a gain in power while a negative dBm value
noted by a minus sign before the number
indicates that there is a loss in power.
The primary drawback of using dBm measurements is that they are not currently supported by the International System of Units. Therefore
using dBm measurements in documents that refer to SI units is frowned upon. The decibel
is still accepted in such works.

How is dBm Calculated?

Zero dBm is equal to one milliwatt. With each increase of three decibels
the power is roughly doubled. Therefore
dBm is equal to approximately 2 mW. Conversely
a three decibel decrease will lower the power by approximately one half. Therefore
dBm will equal approximately 1/2 or 0.5 milliwatt.

The function for calculating the dBm is: x = 10log*base 10*(P) where x is the dBm value and P is the power in milliwatts.

the function for calculating the power is: P = 10 to the power of (x/10) where P is the power in milliwatts and x is the power ration measured in dBm.
read more “What is a dBm”

is the default IP (internet protocol) address for many home broadband routers. It was originally used by Linksys but has since been found in use in a variety of other home networking devices such as those produced by Netgear and Westell to name a few.

Although is the default IP address for many broadband routers and modems
it does not necessarily have to be. Many factories set the default address to in order to promote a more standardized computing environment and to make it easier for first time users to set up their networks quickly and easily.

Can only Linksys (and other) routers use the address?

because is a private IPv4 address
any computer
or other internet device can be configured to use this IP address. However
it is not usually recommended as there are so many devices that default to that connectivity problems may arise later from multiple devices using the same network address. It is also important to remember that only one network device can have any one IP address
so if you have multiple devices using
all but one of them must be changed to a different setting.

How can I access

All you have to do is type into the address bar on your favorite web browser and press enter. It may be in your best interest to use a web browser with full support for web standards (like Firefox) for the best results. You will be taken to what is essentially the software that powers your network device. Here you can make changes to settings
set a password
and configure your network device as you see fit.

As is the case with any computer configuration
it is always in your best interest to either make a complete backup of your settings before you edit them or write down the defaults for every setting that you change. A few incorrect settings when configuring your network device and you could lose your connection to the internet.

If something does go irreparably wrong when editing your network device via
there is usually a hard reset button on the back of the device which will restore all of the settings to their factory defaults.
read more “What is”

Apple iPhone is not just a phone - it is a phone
music player
video player
internet device
and camera all in one. Like its Apple iPod Nano and iPod video cousins
the Apple iPhone is slim and sleek at just 11.6mm thick
and 4.5-inches tall.

Steve Jobs has such confidence in the new Apple iPhone that he has said he wants to sell over 10 million of them by 2008. I think he's setting his sights a little low
and project that Apple will sell over 10 million iPhones in less than 6 months. With the following that Apple has
and the fact that this device has been rumored about and anticipated for almost four years now
it shouldn't be too far out of the realm of possiblity.

Apple iPhone is a widescreen iPod that features touch screen controls that allow you to enjoy all your content
including audiobooks
TV shows
and movies. It features an amazing 3.5-inch widescreen display
and allows you to sync content from your iTunes library on your PC or Mac
making that content also accessible with just the touch of a finger.

Apple iPhone users will be able to scroll through songs
and playlists with just a flick of a finger. One cool new feature of this function is the display of album artwork - you can now use Cover Flow to browse your music library by album artwork for the first time on an iPod.

The Apple iPhone incorporates an accelerometer
which detects when a user switches from holding the phone in landscape to portrait mode
and automatically updates the image on screen to fit the mode. The sensors also detect when you put the Apple iPhone near your phone
and automatically shuts off the display screen until you move it away to save on battery power. An ambient light sensor automatically adjusts the screen's brightness to the appropriate level for the current ambient light
which enhances user experience and also saves on battery power.


As of now
Apple has announced a Bluetooth headset that will work with the Apple iPhone
as well as new headphones that incorporate a small white box in the middle of the cord. This box has a built-in microphone and a switch to answer and hang up phone calls.

The phone is expected to come out in June 2007 in USA
Europe in the fourth QTR and Asia in 2008 and it will be available exclusively on Cingular for $499 on a two-year contract for the 4GB version and $599 for the 8GB version.
read more “What do you know about First Apple Cingular - iPhone”