PHProxy is a type of proxy website that allows one to gain access to websites that would otherwise be blocked. These PHProxy websites allow for the free and unchallenged entry on to websites such as and without a user name or a registered computer. These PHProxy websites also allow for access into government websites and corporate websites which can cause serious harm or danger to the business and security of the nation and its corporations. These PHProxy websites can come in handy for those who fear security problems with the different websites
but these PHProxy websites are most often used by hackers and those who have been previously denied access to a website.
PHProxy sites are designed to allow the uninterrupted access to other websites. This access can help one in accessing websites that are governmentally blocked in some countries
although America does not have that problem. PHProxy websites are primarily used in hacking or for those who are too young to have access to an adult website. These PHProxy websites are also used to glean information from larger companies to their competitors or smaller companies and vice versa.
The PHProxy websites are great for those who are in foreign countries where the government controls their internet access and servers. For them
the use of a PHProxy website allows for the free viewing of items their government wishes to hide from them. This could be the news from other countries
news from their own country
or views that are differing from what the government wishes to have the public hear and follow. In these countries
control of the media translates into control of the people.
In America
PHProxy websites are typically only used by those individuals who have been banded from a website or who wish to hack into a website with a limited chance of being followed or traced back to their home or computer. This can pose serious problems to those websites that are doing their best to provide adult information while excluding children and for other companies who are seeking to keep their information private. Not many Americans use the PHProxy websites to limit their chances of obtaining a virus or for privacy.
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