Article Computers Technology


A Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) is a group of hosts that feature a like set of requirements and can communicate as though they were all connected via the same wires. However
unlike a traditional LAN
a VLAN is not necessarily all in the same place
and the hosts involved in the network can be located practically anywhere. All VLANs have the exact same attributes as a traditional physical local area network
though they can be configured via software instead of having to actually relocate the hosts.

Many VLANs are designed as replacements to the services that are traditionally provided by routers on physical LANs. VLANs are able to tackle issues like network management
and scalability with ease.

VLANs are known as Layer 2
or Data Link layer
constructs which transfer data between network nodes. Because they are Layer 2 constructs
they can interface with Layer 3 IP subnets with a one to one relationship.

How are VLANs designed?

The IEEE assigned IEEE 802.1Q as the protocol by which to configure virtual LANs. IEEE 802.1Q provides for a header with a 2-byte protocol identifier and another 2-byte tag control information. These are known as TPID and TCI
respectively. The TPID is fixed at 0x8100 while the TCI contains information pertaining to the user priority
canonical format indicator
and VLAN identifier.

What are the two types of VLAN memberships?

VLAN membership can be assigned in one of two ways. Static or Dynamic.

A Static VLAN is also known as a port based VLAN. These types of VLANs are created by assigning specific ports to a VLAN. As new devices enter into the VLAN network
the device assumes a specific port. If end users change ports but require access to the same VLAN
network administrators are required to assign new port to VLAN assignments for the new port.

A Dynamic VLAN is designed to be easily configured using software. The most common software for designing dynamic VLANs is CiscoWorks
a program developed by Cisco. A VLAN Management Policy Server (VMPS) must be set up first for a dynamic VLAN. This server will allow the VLAN to automatically switch ports whenever new devices connect to the VLAN. It uses information such as the device’s ports
unique usernames
and MAC addresses to determine whether or not to change ports to fit the needs of the incoming device.
read more “What is a VLAN”

A torrent file is the file that is transferred among users using the torrent technology. The file extension used by torrent files is .torrent. Torrent files
when added into a torrent application
can be distributed among numerous amounts of people without the need of any major hardware costs and server fees on a particular individual. This is because each user supplies bits of the full torrent file to users without those particular bits
while receiving bits that they do not yet have. Therefore
torrent files can also be shared relatively quickly.

Torrent technology was first planned and developed by Bram Cohen in April 2001. After months of development
it first went public in 2 July
Cohen’s technology is widely used. Although there are no specific measurements
it is considered as one of the most significantly used protocols in the Internet today.

Behind the Technology
The torrent technology is operated by a torrent client sending bits of the torrent file through a torrent protocol. A torrent client would be for example a personal computer while the torrent file can be of any file in the .torrent format.

For the sharing to begin
first a user must create a .torrent file (eg. File.torrent). A torrent file contains information
such as the tracker
the main computer distributing the file first
and the metadata
information about the files in the torrent file. People wishing to obtain the information must first download the torrent file (in this case
run it with their torrent application
and then connect with the tracker
which will give orders on where to download what bits of the torrent file.

Torrent Files vs. HTTP Files
Although torrent files and its sharing are technically a transfer of files over the network
it has its strengths compared to the old-school HTTP downloading style. Firstly
when downloading files
web browsers will make one HTTP GET request through one TCP socket. However
torrent files make numerous amounts of small data requests over many TCP sockets. Also
HTTP will download in an order—what is first will be downloaded first; however torrents download in a random way—whatever is of high availability will be downloaded first.

This is exactly why the torrent files have its strengths; it doesn’t need much financial back
it has a higher redundancy
and a better resistance to potential abuse from flash crowds than what would be a frequent thing with HTTPs. However
as with everything
there is a downside. It takes a bit of time for downloads to be running in full throttle
as connecting to other peers can tae time. Also
becoming an effective uploader also takes time. Not to forget
while torrent file downloading will reach immensely high speeds
the speed will eventually fall near the end of the download as availability of the bits of the torrent file decrease.

Sharing Torrents and Files
First a user browses through the Internet looking for torrent files. Once a torrent file is obtained
the user will connect it through a torrent application and connect with the tracker. Then
the user will begin to download off of seeders and a group of peers known as the “swarm.” If there is one seeder
the user will directly connect to that seeder and begin to download
but eventually start to exchange files with other peers too
which lessens the burden on the seeder.

Applications of Torrent Files
torrent files are widely used today by many individuals and some corporations.
 Some bands like “Ween” uses torrent files to distribute their free albums
 .torrent files are increasingly used by Podcasters to meet the high demands of these radio MP3s
 The game America’s Army uses torrent files to release their updates and patches for the games
 An immense number of open source and free softwares utilize torrent files to increase availability and awareness of the projects

Torrent Files’ Limitations
Although torrent files seem to be another great way to download and share files
it has some limitations such as security issues.
 IP Address Exposed: The use of torrent files can lead to anonymity issues
as all IP addresses of current and potentially previous swarm users can be found and abused
 Internet Speeds: It is best to use broadband when sharing torrent files
so dial-up users cannot take full advantage of the torrent technology
 Leeching Problem: While sharing torrent files is good
it doesn’t have many incentives behind it. Thus
there is no real reason to continue to seed after the download has finished. To fix this issue
some torrent sites have begun to limit the download speeds of users who do not upload often.

Free Torrent Applications to Download Torrent Files
In today’s market there are both quality free open source and paid products to download torrent files.
 BitTorrent: BitTorrent is the first and official torrent client made by Bram Cohen himself. It is supported in major operating systems such as Microsoft Windows
and Linux.
 Azuerus (Vuze): This is also a widely used torrent client first released in SourceForge in June 2003. Released under the GNU General Public License
Azuerus is a constantly developed
free client.
 ตTorrent (uTorrent): uTorrent
also known as microTorrent
is a torrent client written in C++. Because of its small size but a powerful interface
it is another widely used free torrent client. It was first released on December 7
between BitTorrent
Inc. and Ludvig Strigeus
but was later fully acquired by BitTorrent
Inc. because of the application’s popularity
and power.
read more “What is a torrent file and how does it work”

Proxy sites are web pages that provide Internet users with the ability to browse web sites that may be blocked by a content filter of some type. By making use of the proxy site as the portal to the blocked site
it is possible to circumvent the work of whatever filter is in place. At the same time
the proxy site also helps to mask the visit to the site
so that there is less evidence that the content filter was not successful in preventing the visit.

How Does A Proxy Site Work?

the proxy site will provide the same ability to browse the Internet as any other browser. What is a little different is that instead of being able to conduct general searches for content
a proxy site allows the user to key in a specific web address and be directed to that specific page in a window that resides on the proxy site. This accomplishes two things. First
the window is coded as part of the proxy site address and not the actual web site the user is visiting. Second
any information cached on in the temporary Internet files will appear to be information related to the proxy site
and not the blocked web site.

Why Use A Proxy Site?

One of the legitimate uses of a proxy site is to get around blocked content that may contain one or two words that the filter has identified as inappropriate for viewing. Many companies make use of filters to limit the ability of employees to spend time looking at web pages that are not related to job functions in some manner. This is usually accomplished with the use of key words that programmed into the filter
which in turn blocks any page or site with those words present. While this does block access to a number of sites that have nothing to do with work
they can also inhibit access to pages and glossaries that are designed to be helpful in many job positions.

When this is the case
an employee may choose to use a proxy site to get around the block and be able to get to a page that he or she legitimately needs to view in order to accomplish a work related task. Since using a proxy site does not take much longer than using a browser window
it is much faster than calling technical support and trying to get authorization to remove a given word from the filter list.

Another advantage of using the proxy site is that the IP address of the user is not logged. This can be a great way to get around the proliferation of adware and spyware that is all too often connected to a given web site. Using the proxy site means less cleanup for the virus protection software to handle
and thus less resources required to keep the workstation clear of problems.
read more “What is a Proxy Site”

A netmask calculator is basically a script or a program that automatically calculates the netmask numbers for you. Netmask is simply a code of numbers that is used to correctly transfer messages among machines in the same subnet. So
a netmask would work together with the router to determine whether the data goes. For example
if the host’s IP address was and the netmask was
the netmask is responsible for telling the machine what numbers in IP address are the subnet and what numbers in the IP address is the machine. In this case
would be the subnet part while 41 would be the machine part. So
any machine in the 63.172.202 would be part of the (local) subnet and thus
the netmask is exactly what assists in differentiating the IP address.

Behind the Calculation of a Netmask
Before anything else
it is advised to use freely available online netmask calculators as most modern equipments do not need a full understanding of how the netmask works to correctly configure them. In fact
most of the newer models have been hard coded to force a netmask. Nonetheless
such calculating knowledge in needed when dealing with older equipments.

Firstly an internet protocol (IP) address is divided into three main sections when looking at the first octet ( Class A
Class B
and Class C. One of the rules of the IP address are that Class A should be 0-127
Class B should be 128-191
and Class C should be 192-222 with everything else reserved for a special reason. Basically
these classes in the IP addresses are what determine the netmask. Class A means a netmask of
Class B means a netmask of
and Class C means a netmask of Thus
a simple knowledge of which class implies which netmask is the key to calculating the netmask.

Free Online Netmask Calculators
most of the modern equipments used today have been hardcoded to have a netmask of However
there are also readily available scripts and softwares available that can help in the calculation.
read more “What is a netmask calculator and how do I calculate it”

A Multilayer PCBs consist of multiple layers of electronic components placed over each other.

Through-hole construction was the technology that was used to deal with planting the electrical components through the holes on the Printed Board Curcuit and then soldering them together. When this technology was found wanting in complex cases
Point-to-Point construction technology evolved. This proved to be better than its predecessor
but in no way is it comparable to a multilayer PCB. The development of multilayer PCB has allowed electronic companies to drastically cut down on the cost and size of their products.

The functionality of a multilayer Printed Board Circuit depends on the internal connections between the various components that make up the entire device. Until and unless these components work in tandem
the device is non-functional. In the case of most technology
the urge to improve product performance makes the products bulky
whereas the flexible design of the multilayer PCBs has entirely replaced the rigid single-layered PCB design. The high-class wiring and the flexible parts have improved the performance of many products
especially automated and complex devices such as computers and cellular phones. Technology today has come a long way
culminating in the manufacture of multilayer PCBs that can contain as many as twenty-four layers
depending on usage and the complexity of the product itself. Multilayered PCBs have also facilitated the ease of manufacturing
since most of them are pre-mounted and prefabricated. Although manufacturing these prefabricated multilayered PCBs is a complex process
the final stage has now become a matter of assembly rather than manufacturing.

Any discussion of this technology would be incomplete without mentioning the tools and materials that are required for using a multilayer PCB. These are:

*Powerful drill
*Copper etcher
*Laminating press
*Copper plating cell
*And most importantly - a well-ventilated area

The reasons behind the development of the multilayer PCB are numerous
although some may think the technology was unnecessary while standard PCBs were doing fine. As discussed earlier
a multilayer PCB has a more flexible structure and can considerably reduce the size of the device. This is not the only reason. The cost of production using conventional PCBs was very high and costs only increased with new developments. By contrast
a multilayer PCB
in addition to providing revolutionary on-board components
more often than not needs only reprogramming. Moreover
mass production has become easier due to prefabricated multilayered PCBs. Instant installation or assembly of multilayer PCBs means electronic companies have definitely experienced a rise in their production rates.

In case you are wondering about the longevity or quality of these circuit boards
they are very well packaged and can be left as they are for future use. Once each board is completed
it is thoroughly tested to make sure that it functions properly. In cases of failure
the repair process is easy and can be achieved by replacing the board itself instead of resorting to component-level troubleshooting.
read more “What is a Multilayer PCB”

A dBm
also referred to as a dBmW
is the notation used for the ratio of power in decibels (dB) to one milliwatt (mW). dBm is commonly used in a variety of ways
but most commonly refers to the power used by radio
fiber optic networks
and microwaves. Furthermore
dBm is also used as a convenient way of measuring the absolute power of something because it can be used to express very small values as well as very large values in a compact and easy to read way.
Because dBm is referenced to the watt
or more specifically
the milliwatt
dBm is a measure of absolute power instead of relative power. A measurement of dBW is referenced to one watt or 1000 mW.
This is a measurement of absolute power despite the decibel being what is known as a dimensionless unit
or a unit that is used to quantify the ration between two different values. Dimensionless units
like the decibel
are used to place a value on something that technically has no physical units. Therefore
dimensionless units are known as pure numbers.
dBm can either have a positive or a negative value depending on the situation. A positive dBm value indicates that there is a gain in power while a negative dBm value
noted by a minus sign before the number
indicates that there is a loss in power.
The primary drawback of using dBm measurements is that they are not currently supported by the International System of Units. Therefore
using dBm measurements in documents that refer to SI units is frowned upon. The decibel
is still accepted in such works.

How is dBm Calculated?

Zero dBm is equal to one milliwatt. With each increase of three decibels
the power is roughly doubled. Therefore
dBm is equal to approximately 2 mW. Conversely
a three decibel decrease will lower the power by approximately one half. Therefore
dBm will equal approximately 1/2 or 0.5 milliwatt.

The function for calculating the dBm is: x = 10log*base 10*(P) where x is the dBm value and P is the power in milliwatts.

the function for calculating the power is: P = 10 to the power of (x/10) where P is the power in milliwatts and x is the power ration measured in dBm.
read more “What is a dBm”

is the default IP (internet protocol) address for many home broadband routers. It was originally used by Linksys but has since been found in use in a variety of other home networking devices such as those produced by Netgear and Westell to name a few.

Although is the default IP address for many broadband routers and modems
it does not necessarily have to be. Many factories set the default address to in order to promote a more standardized computing environment and to make it easier for first time users to set up their networks quickly and easily.

Can only Linksys (and other) routers use the address?

because is a private IPv4 address
any computer
or other internet device can be configured to use this IP address. However
it is not usually recommended as there are so many devices that default to that connectivity problems may arise later from multiple devices using the same network address. It is also important to remember that only one network device can have any one IP address
so if you have multiple devices using
all but one of them must be changed to a different setting.

How can I access

All you have to do is type into the address bar on your favorite web browser and press enter. It may be in your best interest to use a web browser with full support for web standards (like Firefox) for the best results. You will be taken to what is essentially the software that powers your network device. Here you can make changes to settings
set a password
and configure your network device as you see fit.

As is the case with any computer configuration
it is always in your best interest to either make a complete backup of your settings before you edit them or write down the defaults for every setting that you change. A few incorrect settings when configuring your network device and you could lose your connection to the internet.

If something does go irreparably wrong when editing your network device via
there is usually a hard reset button on the back of the device which will restore all of the settings to their factory defaults.
read more “What is”

Apple iPhone is not just a phone - it is a phone
music player
video player
internet device
and camera all in one. Like its Apple iPod Nano and iPod video cousins
the Apple iPhone is slim and sleek at just 11.6mm thick
and 4.5-inches tall.

Steve Jobs has such confidence in the new Apple iPhone that he has said he wants to sell over 10 million of them by 2008. I think he's setting his sights a little low
and project that Apple will sell over 10 million iPhones in less than 6 months. With the following that Apple has
and the fact that this device has been rumored about and anticipated for almost four years now
it shouldn't be too far out of the realm of possiblity.

Apple iPhone is a widescreen iPod that features touch screen controls that allow you to enjoy all your content
including audiobooks
TV shows
and movies. It features an amazing 3.5-inch widescreen display
and allows you to sync content from your iTunes library on your PC or Mac
making that content also accessible with just the touch of a finger.

Apple iPhone users will be able to scroll through songs
and playlists with just a flick of a finger. One cool new feature of this function is the display of album artwork - you can now use Cover Flow to browse your music library by album artwork for the first time on an iPod.

The Apple iPhone incorporates an accelerometer
which detects when a user switches from holding the phone in landscape to portrait mode
and automatically updates the image on screen to fit the mode. The sensors also detect when you put the Apple iPhone near your phone
and automatically shuts off the display screen until you move it away to save on battery power. An ambient light sensor automatically adjusts the screen's brightness to the appropriate level for the current ambient light
which enhances user experience and also saves on battery power.


As of now
Apple has announced a Bluetooth headset that will work with the Apple iPhone
as well as new headphones that incorporate a small white box in the middle of the cord. This box has a built-in microphone and a switch to answer and hang up phone calls.

The phone is expected to come out in June 2007 in USA
Europe in the fourth QTR and Asia in 2008 and it will be available exclusively on Cingular for $499 on a two-year contract for the 4GB version and $599 for the 8GB version.
read more “What do you know about First Apple Cingular - iPhone”

also known as Quarter VGA is a screen size and resolution measurement. This measurement and resolution is most commonly used for PDA’s
cell phones
and hand held games. These screens tend to be portrait in orientation rather than the landscape orientation that people are used to on televisions or computer screens.

The term VGA is related to the standard size and resolution of a screen as set by IBM in the 1980’s. This standard screen size is 640 X 480. This standard has been used ever since as a standard method of measuring resolution and screen size. This became the standard and the base measurement of what all computer and televisions screens would use after that. All increases or decreases in side would be done in relation to those specifications as set down. An example of this is the Quarter VGA.

The term quarter refers to one fourth of something. A quarter dollar mean one fourth of a dollar. A quarter of a year is one fourth of a year. This applies to the Quarter VGA
meaning that the standard screen is then one quarter of the size of the standard screen. The orientation is not mentioned in this though and is simply a space saving connivance for the manufactures of the phones or PDA’s.

It should be mentioned that qVGA technology is not necessarily compatible with full VGA technology. This is to mean that one cannot take a qVGA screen shot and make it fit the VGA screen without causing stretching and distortion. The reverse is also true; one cannot take a VGA screen shot and turn it into a qVGA without causing distortion
no matter what the software is.

One other thing that should be mentioned about the qVGA is the Quad VGA which means that the measurements would be four times greater than that of the original VGA. For this reason
much of the software and hardware that is related to quarter VGA is noted as being qVGA and the software that is four times larger than the standard VGA is noted as QVGA.
read more “What are QVGA Specifications”

Proxy sites enable the individual to access websites and servers through another server to keep the location and identity of the individual unknown. This helps to limit the amount of spam
and other information from being gleaned or placed on the computer. This in turn helps to keep the computer running fast and efficiently.
Cookies and other computer identification software that is placed on the computer by websites can drastically slow down the computer. These cookies and other identification softwares help to identify a computer upon reentry into the website so that items that the website thinks you want will be available. The computer can also “catch” a virus from such softwares because of the software’s ability to be corrupted or otherwise altered. This is one of the major reasons that people use proxy sites.
In addition to the protection from cookies
proxy sites stop the gleaning of information from the computer through the website. This gleaning is often just information regarding what other websites that one is viewing
but can be much more invasive. The possibility of hackers and other individuals who might be using the gleaned information to steal one’s identity or bank accounts is greatly reduced by using a proxy site.
These proxy sites can either be true internet sites that assist one in viewing additional websites while keeping the computer safe
or they can be servers that protect the computer. Proxy sites that are true websites tend to provide secured lines of communication between the website and the computer. This helps to defray any lost or gleaned information from the computer and limits the cookies that may be placed on the computer.
Servers that are used as proxy sites are often in addition to the server that allows for the computer to access a website. This server acts a surrogate computer and takes all of the cookies
spy ware
and other computer harming components for it to be trashed and destroyed before damage can be done. This server could be part of the computer itself
or it could be part of the ISP server units. Either way
proxy sites can be extremely useful and helpful for all those who use them.
read more “What are Proxy sites”

What are prepaid calling cards? Prepaid calling cards are telephone minutes which are purchased in advance.

Each prepaid calling cards come with PIN which are being use every time you make a call. But there are also some prepaid calling cards that do not have PIN in it. It is really up to you which one you prefer. Since prepaid calling cards come with different features
services and rates. So you have to give few of your time in order to know the features that several prepaid calling cards that have
so you can choose the one you desire and need.

How to make a call with the use of prepaid calling cards? The dialer will call the toll-free number and enter the access number or PIN before you actually can make the call you intend to. After you dialed the number of the person you are calling
the prepaid countdown begins.

more people use prepaid calling cards because they ant to lower their home phone bills and to avoid collect calls and high cell phone charges. Yes
prepaid calling cards can make you save money; it can cut your phone bills in half. Most prepaid calling cards come in increments of five
ten and twenty five dollars
so you have some choices to choose from. Prepaid calling cards can be bought any where from thirty minutes to ten hours
it actually depends on the company.

Anyone can purchase prepaid calling card any where
it can be in supermarkets
post offices
electronic stores
discount stores
these are just few of the places where you can buy prepaid calling cards. You can also purchase prepaid calling cards over the internet or through mail order catalogs
local newspapers and television commercials.

you can find and purchase prepaid calling cards almost any where
but you have to be careful though
it is not because the minutes on the prepaid calling cards are prepaid
it doesn’t mean that they are bargain. You still have to shop around and do simple research to see which prepaid calling card can give you the most minutes for your money.

It doesn’t mean if you bought ten dollar prepaid calling card
you will have ten dollars worth of minutes. You have to be aware that some prepaid calling cards come with surcharges and maintenance fees
or as soon as your prepaid calling card is activated
it is subjected with taxes
service fees and connection fees. With some prepaid calling cards
as soon as you use it with pay phone or hotel
you will be subjected with additional surcharge. You also have to check out the expiration dates
if there is
you have to use your prepaid calling card before that date in order to prevent to lose your money.

Prepaid calling cards are convenient for students and to those who travels a lot. Yes
prepaid calling cards are advantageous
with prepaid calling cards
you can now say goodbye with collect calls. With prepaid calling cards
you can’t go wrong. You can definitely make calls any time and any where
so convenient and can give satisfaction.
read more “What Are Prepaid Calling Cards”

A police scanner is basically just another type of a radio scanner. These special scanners can give and receive wireless radio signal transmissions and is becoming more and more of a household item. Police scanners are mainly used for both safety and business purposes. Unlike a FM or an AM radio signal which can only pick up their respective signals
the scanner will pick up a wide variety of signals and a number of them simultaneously too
allowing an easy check up on the various channels. Therefore
the term “police scanners” is simply a scanner that is tuned into the radio broadcasts done by the region’s police department.

Advantages and Purposes of a Police Scanner
Surprisingly a police scanner can help people in many ways
whether it is through excitement or through a sense of safety.
 Firstly
police scanners are quite exciting to tune into. It is a human instinct to want to know what is happening when
for example a police car
an ambulance
or a fire truck is blazing by. With a police scanner
a user would know exactly what is going on.
 Also
it can help a user lessen the impact any potential environmental disasters may cause. For example
and tornadoes could be immediately responded to by taking the necessary actions with the guidance of a police scanner.
 Potential accidents such as toxic spills or power outages near the user can also be responded to if the user was tuning into a police scanner.
 Neighborhood crimes are also unpredictable. However
with a police scanner
anyone can be constantly updated with the latest news and any precautions that they should take. A collective effort by many people with police scanners in the same neighborhood can lead to a much safer community.

Police Scanner Codes
Although the police scanner codes differ from region to region
mostly it is quite unified.

Police Scanner 10 Codes
Reception poor
Reception good
Stop transmitting
Message received
Repay message
Change channel
Out of service
Out of service
Out of service
In service
Repeat message
Off duty
Off duty
Identify frequency
Visitor(s) present
Weather and road advice
Citizen w/suspect
Prisoner in custody
Pick up prisoner
Request for gasoline
Equipment exchange
Return(ing) to station
Advise home I will return at:
Disregard last assignment
Stand by
Request car-to-car transmit
Do you have contact with:
D.D.L. report
Registration request
Check for wants
Subject wanted
Hazard potential from subject
Subject wanted
Vehicle wanted
Doesn't conform to regulations
Alarm sounding
Assist at office
Time check
Confidential information
Identify operator
Can () come to the radio?
Is () available for phone call?
Check the welfare of/at:
Call a doctor
Condition of patient?
Proceed to:
Under influence of drugs
Man down
Possible dead body
Coroner case
Suicide attempt
Missing person
Security check
Miscellaneous public service
Meet a citizen
Take a report from a citizen
Civilian standby
Prepare to copy
Found property
Suspicious person
Person calling for help
Telephone for police
Gun involved
How do you receive?
Bomb threat
Any radio traffic?
Assume post
pickup collect
leash law violation
Need ID tech unit
Arrived at scene
Available to assign

Police Scanner 11 Codes
Take report
Abandoned vehicle
Traffic hazard
Abandoned bicycle
W/driver held
W/driver held
Advise if ambulance needed
Ambulance needed
No ambulance needed
Furnish transportation
Funeral detail
Suspicious vehicle
Officer being followed by auto
W/dangerous persons
Unidentified auto at assignments
Radio monitored
use phone
Intensive attention: high hazard

business areas
Attack in high hazard area
Signal light out
Defective signal light
Aircraft accident
Accident - Ambulance sent
Accident - Major injuries
Accident - Minor injuries
Accident - No injuries
Accident - No detail
Direct traffic
Tow truck required
Pedestrian stop
Routine traffic stop
Checking suspicious vehicle
Time/security check on patrol
Officer needs help!

Common Police Scanner Codes
Kidnapping attempt
Robbery alarm
Robbery alarm
Assault with intent to murder
Assault with a deadly weapon
Shooting at inhabited dwelling
Attempted rape
Child neglect
Wife beating - Felony
Lewd conduct
Indecent exposure
Indecent exposure
Illegal dumping
Person with a gun
Person with a knife
Burglar alarm
Burglar alarm
Hit and run - Felony
Hit and run - Misdemeanor
Petty theft
Grand theft
Petty theft
Drunk Driving
Auto theft
Tampering with a vehicle
Reckless driving
Public nuisance
Speeding or racing vehicles
Illegal parking
Malicious mischief
Runaway car
Throwing missiles
Lewd conduct
Threatening phone calls
Code Blue Bus/Cab in trouble
Code Red Varda Alarm activated
Code Purple Gang Activity
Mental case
Auto theft
Tampering with vehicle
Hit and run - Felony
Hit and run - Misdemeanor
Hit and run - Unattended
Drunk pedestrian on roadway
Illegal parking
Drunk driving - injuries
Drunk driving
Reckless driver
Reckless driver
Driver under narcotics
Person throwing objects at
Drunk driving - injuries
Drunk driver

Police Scanner I-37 Codes
Code 2 Urgent - no light or siren
Code 3 Use lights and siren
Code 4 No further assistance needed
Code 5 Stakeout
Code 6 Stay out of area
Code 7 Meal break
Code 8 Restroom break
Code 9 Summer uniform
Code 10 SWAT pre-call up
Code 11 SWAT Call up
Code 37 Subject/Property wanted

Medical and Fire Codes
Code 10 Critical Trauma case
Code 20 Acute Trauma case
Code 30 Trauma case
Code 40 Serious case (IV started)
Code 50 Basic transport (not serious)
Code N Newsworthy event
read more “What are Police Scanner Codes”

Emoticons are popular selections of graphic media that is currently used in chat software. These graphics are commonly used by people in order to relay the feelings they have at that given moment. A good example of these graphics would be the so-called “Smileys”
wherein it is placed within the text as an indication the user is “happy”. Hence
other groups of characters are also available in order to form a specific image.

The technology behind emoticons was derived from the previous tactic of individuals who used specific letters
and/or numbers in order to display a graphical representation of a particular emotion. This becomes possible when these characters are placed one after the other. Similar to the “Smileys” emoticon we have now
the most common example of this
would be the smiling face. This is via pressing the colon
and the right parenthesis
which would appear like this - .

These days
there are already various types of emoticons. Such emoticons can now convey various feelings such as anger
and indifference. It would range from “Smileys” to popular cartoon characters. Utilizing these emoticons is very easy since you are initially provided with the list of pictures and characters. You only need to select the picture that best describes your feelings at that specific moment.

You can find comprehensive lists of emoticons on Web forums and IM applications. Good programs where you can access these lists while you chat with your friends and loved ones would be through Yahoo Messenger
and Google Talk among others.

although emoticons are very useful is emphasizing the emotions behind your messages
it is best that you practice using these emoticons properly. It is important that you consider using these symbols or characters in a way that you do not overuse them. Thus
there are also emoticon characters that can imply sarcasm
intimidation or anger. Even if you can convey these emotions through emoticons
chatting etiquettes would prompt you to avoid using these on your messages. Of course
emoticons serve the purpose of relaying one’s emotions and not as a means to hurt other people’s feelings.
read more “What are Emoticons”

It is worth bearing in mind that
when you are deciding which web conferencing application to utilize
none of the applications currently available will do everything well.

Each system has its own strengths and weaknesses and it is therefore important for you to identify what you hope to gain from your web conferencing application. The first step you should take is to draw up a list of essential features - decide what the most important aspects of web conferencing are to you and what you hope to gain from your system.

By identifying what is most important to you
you can narrow down your field of selection to those vendors who are supplying a product that most closely matches your requirements. By immediately discarding those that do not match your criteria
you will find yourself considering a far more manageable number of applications.

Communication: Meetings
Webcasts and Webinars
For example
if the key function you want your web conferencing application to perform is that of communication then you require an application that will allow you to exchange with others. An application that has the capability to host meetings
transmit webcasts and hold training seminars will be required.

Different web conferencing applications have different capabilities
some allowing you to invite hundreds of delegates to your seminar
others allowing a maximum of say
ten. Levels of interaction vary too so be very clear about what functions you will need your application to be able to perform.

Before investing in your new system you should thoroughly review exactly what each provider is offering to ensure it meets with your requirements.

Vendors of this type of application include:
* Centra
* Netbriefings
* Placeware
* Smiletiger
* Spartacom

Online Collaboration and Project Management

Online collaboration software is particularly effective for project management. These applications allow users to share files and documents
to view files at the same time and update documents in real time. Previously
this level of collaboration could only be achieved by being physically present in the same location but online collaboration applications are extremely effective.

Vendors of this type of application include:
* Genesys
* Interwise
* Viditel
* WebEx

You need to consider too
whether or not your chosen application will be compatible with your existing software and operating platform. This information will be readily available from the application vendor. Also
do you have sufficient broadband capability to run your chosen application?

The cost
of course
is a major consideration when deciding upon your web conferencing application and will undoubtedly influence your ultimate decision. Applications range from the elementary (some can even be set up with a plug-in the likes of Yahoo Messenger) to the most sophisticated systems that will allow broadcasting to hundreds of delegates.

When deciding how much to spend
take into account how much money you are already spending in terms of time and money on travel. The chances are
if you choose your application sensibly
you will earn back its cost in a relatively short period of time.
read more “Web Conferencing Software - Choosing Your Application”

. But with the advancement of technology
the term has grown to refer particularly to "live" meetings
while the posted message variety of discussion is called a "message board"
or " company bulletin board"
since these days live discussions are more effective. One needs to have an internet connection for web conferencing. Web conferencing requires an application software that enables any user to communicate with other conferencing people using internet. This application is provided by a "host" company which charges for using it. The people involved can exchange their ideas
information and data easily and the presenter can get the feedback immediately from all the people concerned simultaneously. This can be either an application that is downloaded on each of the attendees computers or an application that is web-based where the attendees simply have to enter a "URL" or website meeting address to enter and participate in the conference or live meeting . These web applications use either Java or Flash technology for their functioning. The concept of web conferencing is one of the most efficient
easiest and cheapest means for meeting with small audience or large audiences at the same time and that too within your budget .
Companies can now save huge travel budgets by using tele conferencing - connect with 5
or 50 co-workers
or customers.
Our expert designed solutions utilize industry standards to ensure compatibility of existing networking infrastructure. It reduces overall business travel expenses and eliminates potential risk factors to employees..

It enables people to talk to a number of participants simultaneously and get their responses immediately. Web conferencing provides a great combination of the advantages of the Internet together with voice conferencing to enable you to carry on online meetings and events like a face to face meeting with the aid of audience response tools
and other features with ease making your events and meetings productive
more interesting
engaging through inexpensive conference calling.For many individuals and businesses entities
conference calls alleviate the unnecessary cost and troubles of travel by providing a platform to contact different people at the sane time. By using this facility a person can be contacted at the best comfort. Pulse conference call rates are cheap and even allows timely
productive and effective communications between employees
and customers on a 24 by 7 basis without any hassles or disruptions. Audio conference call service systems help organizations improve communications and business processes while significantly reducing conferencing costs Tele conference calls involve telephone solutions only - no internet or web-based technology. Conference call
using standard telephone equipment and speakerphones
was a new way to reach out and connect with distant clients.
Instead of the deployment of the complete or process redevelopment or network face-lifts
a network add-on is often simpler and more effective.

So we’ve finally left the era of the Internet crawling along
taking forever to load anything – we’ve entered the high speed age
where we can rely on the ‘net to be there and get us the information we want
and quickly. Home internet connections today can be ridiculously fast – they start at 256K
and go all the way up to 30Mb in some places.

If you’re not quite sure what I just said
then it might be time for a quick broadband crash course. Basically
broadband works by taking your phone line (or your cable
or some other communication method)
and transmitting many different signals over it at the same time. So once a line has been adapted to broadband standards
more data can ‘fit’ through it. The amount of data that can get through each second is measured in bits
specifically kilobits (K
meaning a thousand bits) and megabits (Mb
a million bits).

You should note at this point
that there are 8 bits in a byte. That means that your 8Mb broadband connection translates into an actual download speed of 1MB (megabyte) per second. This means that the average 5MB song would take you about 5 seconds to download
and the average 700MB movie would take just over ten minutes – a fast connection
I’m sure you’ll agree
but nothing compared to the fastest out there.

At this point
the most common question people ask is exactly what speed of broadband they need. The answer depends on all sorts of things about you
but two are the most important. Firstly
do you use the Internet a lot? If you just check your email occasionally
you can safely go for 256K
but if you wish you could just move there then a faster connection is likely in order. Secondly
how patient are you? With a little patience
it’s not as much of a hassle to wait for things to download on slow broadband as it is on dial-up
as the connection is so much more stable and can be easily left unsupervised. If you want everything and you want it right now
a faster line might again be better for you.
read more “We have finally entered the high speed internet era”

Absence makes the heart grow fonder -- Cliche? Yes. True? It depends.

Missing a person could be one hell of an ordeal. The stress it may bring is almost tantamount to mental torture. Distance is often the most fearsome test for relationships to withstand. What if a person has been away for too long? The tendency is that the person desserted or even both parties cope through looking for other activities with the attempt to make preoccupation forget the loneliness or homesickness a person feels.

But you know what? The rigors and melancholy that these trying times could bring may be alleviated. How? It's as easy as getting the phone
dialing the phone number of that person and talking to that person. Calling your loved one more often and a lot longer is a surefire way to surmount that "abandoned" feeling.

Now the real problem is what if you need to be tight on your budget? Phonecards used for international calls often come with a hefty price tag. How do you deal with that when there's some tuition
utilities and other bills waiting for you to act on.

Don't fret. There are some ways for you to save on international calls. Just read on.

One way for you to not pinch much from your wallet while making that awaited international call is to know what kind of phone will receive your call. Overseas calls to mobile devices such as pagers and cellphones can cost you much more than when you call to a land line phone. This is because of the system called "calling party pays" employed by several overseas carriers. Ask your honey if she can just look for a landline instead of calling her through her latest Nokia.

How about getting some help from your good old smooth operator? NOT. Unless your call is for an emergency
don't let the operator sweet talk you. You'll see that what you can pay for only a few cents per minute could cost you some precious dollars after asking an operator to assist you with your call.

Go PPC. No
it's not about your pubo-coccygeal muscles or those Internet marketing hype known as pay-per-click! It's about using prepaid phone cards. Enjoy the convenience of not having to think of your bills after making that international call through the use of prepaid phone cards. Just make sure that you don't fall for the mistake of buying expired cards or those that have high connection and maintenance fee.

Opt for pre-paid plans. If you're not a prepaid card person despising all the fuss on knowing first all the hidden charges
prepaid plans could be of great help for you to save your hard-earned bucks. Websites that especially cater to those who'd really like to save on their international calls abound.

Choose what will not burn much of your time and what you're most comfortable with. With these tips on how to save on your international calls
you don't have to look for other activities to just resist the temptation of making that international call. Just call!
read more “Ways to Make More International Calls Without Splurging on Phone Cards”

You're watching TV one evening scanning through the reruns thinking it's pathetic how little there is to watch anymore when a fantastic movie trailer comes on. It's everything you love - the right actors
the wit
the action - and your heart beats a little faster in anticipation - if only you could watch it RIGHT NOW!

the film industry has heard you. Along with the speed of the internet
consumers have now come to a new stage of demand. It used to be that we WANTED everything immediately - now we EXPECT it.

This is not the sort of thing that goes unnoticed by industries that cater to public reception. And now it has been announced that we may not be far away from simply walking over to our computer and downloading the newest releases.

During a meeting at the Cannes Film Festival
Culture Ministers from across Europe
film industry representatives and Internet Service Providers were among those who met to discuss the possible policies needed to distribute movies online.

BBC news reports European Union media commissioner Viviane Reding as stating: "In Europe
as in other continents
the opportunities for people to enjoy films online are set to increase tremendously over the next few years".

Naturally there are still many issues to be resolved before movies are readily available to the public online. Piracy and broadband capabilities are still being questioned.

Piracy became the prominent issue when music files were being illegally shared over the internet. While the music industry fought against such services as Napster
they are still far from recovering their market revenue and the film industry is not anxious to join them.

What can't be debated is that there IS a market
and no industry likes to bypass that because of possible problems.

Right now European broadband may not be up to the task of downloading such large files but has plans to proceed with distribution soon.

In America there has already been movie distribution with the inevitable legal proceedings against individuals facilitating unauthorized downloads.

Although the fight against piracy is being taken very seriously by the industry
it is still parents who are at the forefront of setting the example and instructing children on the ethics of downloading such material. Responsibility is learned.

In any event
the next time you see a great movie advertised and you are handy to the internet
perhaps you should stay in
avoid the lines and the traffic and check it out online!
read more “Watching Movies on the Internet”

When most people think of video surveillance
they think of cameras in stores.

But many businesses are using them to keep track of meetings and ensure clients and business associates stand behind their word. Cameras can also provide proof of wrongdoing
connecting the dots when people are where they shouldn't be.

At anytime and in any place you can't watch
a camera can. Many surveillance systems offer remote accessibility. This option allows people to see what is going on from their PC or laptop
whether they are across town or in a hotel room across an ocean.

CCS International (OTC BB: SITG) is one of the most well-known makers of surveillance equipment. Its video surveillance systems can monitor
record and broadcast real-life conditions to ensure peace of mind.

CCS video systems can be either covert or overt. Covert video does not allow subjects to know they are under surveillance
while overt video does.

Video images are an invaluable tool for companies
whether they are used to help protect against theft and sabotage
or merely to keep an eye on warehouse operations.

The Spy Line-4 from CCS International
for instance
can be set up in a variety of settings - stores
board rooms or even in a home office - and can be accessed and controlled from a remote personal computer.

This video security system is available in color and with audio and can transmit high-quality compressed video images from four cameras.
read more “Watch Your Business From Anywhere in the World”

Virtual Private Network is a network within a network. This is very popular with businesses that have people working remotely. Basically what we have here is a utilization of the network already provided by the internet. The internet infrastructure can be used as the network for remote employees to access their corporate systems.

Corporate environments have a far greater need for tight security. This is achieved by creating a VPN (virtual private network) on top of the normal internet connection. This type of connection allows for greater security and encryption.
Only authenticated users can access the corporate network and the data being transferred cannot be intercepted.

So this VPN (virtual private network) connection is being run through the internet public network.

Two components are needed to make this scenario work. First
there needs to be a corporate server setup which has the server VPN software installed (and a good router with a firewall). The next would be to have the client VPN software installed on the remote employees machines. Once the client machine is on the internet
they would use the VPN client software to communicate to the corporate server VPN where authentication occurs. Once the server identifies the connecting client as a valid machine
access to the network is granted. From then on all information to/from the client to the server is traveling along this virtual private network and is protected by the additional layer of encryption and security provided.

there can be a cost savings if determining whether a leased line or VPN is for you. Leased lines can increase in price based on the geographic distance between sites. A virtual private network does not and in fact is more scaleable. (This is a general statement ONLY. It's best to consult with your communications broker prior to making this decision. A broker will be able to provide much more information when compared to speaking with a specific vendor)

VPN is definitely a viable option for businesses small and large that have remote employees
need site-to-site access with remote offices or secure dial-up connections.

This article is just a very general overview. You should use this only as a starting point to even determine whether or not this type of technology is for you. During your evaluation of this technology
you should consider what type of implementation your looking to do; remote access
secure dial-up. Additional areas to research would be security
server type and IPSec (internet protocol security protocol).
read more “VPN - Overview of Virual Private Networks”

Anonymous email is a means of sending a message without revealing your identity. You may use it for personal email or chat
private business emails
and posting sites. It protects your privacy from unwanted communications or solicitations.

Uses for Anonymous Email

Sometimes you might wish you could talk to someone about a problem
but you think they will misunderstand or be offended. So
you never do it. Avoiding the problem can lead to greater problems. One solution to addressing distasteful issues is through anonymous email. On the other hand
you might like to compliment someone on a job well done but do not want to call attention to yourself. This is where sending an anonymous e mail would be a good thing to do.

Protect Your Privacy

Sending an anonymous email is an inventive way to protect your privacy. You will be able to express your feelings and opinions without fear of reprisal or censure. Setting up anonymous email accounts is simple to do with companies online who offer this service. By using their server
your emails cannot be traced back to you. Your messages are sent to the recipient with the server's address. If they choose to reply
the message is sent to your server where you may retrieve it. It is different than private label email
which provides a separate address for you.

Contact Your Educational Facility

Some educational facilities are seeing the need to gain knowledge of opinions and views in a more confidential manner. Some of the sites that offer anonymous email have a list of school facilities that have registered to receive email from them. Even if they have not
you may use your anonymous email account to send communications.

If you're a school principal or superintendent
there are positive grounds for using anonymous email. Your faculty might be more willing to speak out and point out trouble areas if they were not concerned about unpleasant consequences. They may feel more comfortable to speak out by remaining anonymous.

Parents and students may sometimes feel their opinion would not be heard in a respectable or reasonable manner so they hesitate to approach anyone in authority. The use of anonymous e mail makes it easier to report inappropriate behavior or dishonest practices by faculty or students without severe consequences or penalties.

Positive Anonymous Email

Anonymous email is not to be used to harass
or deceive others. It should be considered a privilege to voice your opinion or ideas anonymously. You don't have to use it only to complain. Use it to make positive comments or to offer constructive criticism. If you would like to see things improve
have a supportive approach and a helpful attitude.

Using your anonymous email is an excellent mode of communication. When you see a need that should be addressed
don't hesitate out of fear or embarrassment. Send a message that will help build integrity and trust in your learning environment.
read more “Voice Your Concerns through Anonymous Email”

For the ultimate home theater experience
serious viewers need a video projector and screen combination. Nothing compares to the image quality and screen size that this type of set-up can afford. A variety of video projectors are now on the market
giving consumers many good options for purchase. Today's video projectors use different kinds of technology
including cutting-edge liquid crystal display (LCD) and digital light processing (DLP) methods
and each kind has its pros and cons. Most projectors are compact and easy to assemble
requiring replacement of a light bulb every thousand hours or so. For maximum effect
projectors are best used in a darkened room
just like a movie theater. Before making the purchase of a video projector
be sure to consider the factors covered below. The usual issues that apply to video devices also apply to projectors: Things like resolution
pixel ratio
color quality
number of inputs for external devices
aspect ratio and overall size are important. Of course
price counts also.

Because there's only so much room in your home
think about how much space you're willing to devote to the video projector set-up before buying. It's wise to invest in a projector that's compact and easy to move. Portability can make all the difference. A compact projector can be easily positioned in a room or completely dismantled. You can try out different arrangements at home and find out the most ideal location for viewing.

Before buying
look for what's known as the ANSI (American National Standards Institute) Lumens rating. This rating indicates the brightness produced by the video projector. If the model has a rating of 1
or more
it will work well in your home. Keep in mind that the size of your screen and the distance you'll be sitting from it have an influence on brightness.

Contrast ratio is another important factor to think about before buying. Contrast ratio works in conjunction with brightness to deliver a strong image. With a high contrast ratio
viewers will get images with bright whites and deep blacks. Decent contrast ratios start at 1500:1 and go up. 2
is ideal for home theater.

Pixel density is also critical to the quality of your projector. Generally speaking
a high pixel density equals a good picture. Viewers of high definition programming should be especially aware of pixel density when shopping for a video projector and find a model with a very high pixel count. A count of about 1024 x 728 is fine for regular DVD viewing. HDTV requires a count of 1280 X 720 or 1920 X 1080
depending on the signal.

Think about what the projector will be used for before deciding on a particular model. Most video projectors work best for showing DVDs of movies or special sports events. While prices for projectors are decreasing
on average
they now start at around $3000 and go up to $10
Check out New Technology TV for more information.
read more “Video Projector TV Technology”

Video conferencing allows people at two or more locations to interact through two-way transmission at the same time. Video conferencing is also known as video teleconferencing or visual collaboration. Users require a computer
web cam
and a broadband connection to participate in videoconference. They can generate natural conversations by seeing and hearing each other. Videoconference of two persons is known as point-to-point while the conference of more than two people is called multipoint conference.

Videoconferencing is very useful way of communication because it saves money as well as time. People can do several business activities or meetings with two or more persons while sitting at office table. They don’t need to go anywhere to meet someone. Basic requirements for video conferencing are guaranteed latency
synchronization and broadcast. It enables people to have face-to-face meetings from a wide distance. Prices of teleconferencing are generally less than costs of travel. It’s an easy way to hold meetings
conduct interviews
give lectures and address employees.

Video conferencing is the best way of communication in medical
legal and educational fields. Normally there are three ways such as computer-based system
desktop system and studio-based system to set up a videoconference. There is a limited field of vision in Computer-based system that is why it is the cheapest way of video conferencing. Desktop system improves the quality of audio and video transmission due to dedicated hardware installed on the computer. Most expensive method of video conferencing is studio-based system that offers best quality conferencing. It is mostly used in large-scale companies and universities. Studio-based system is just like a room that is fully equipped with control systems
document viewers
overhead cameras
vision switchers and slide viewers.

An organization
educational facility or individual requires some basic components to take complete advantages of video conferencing. Necessary equipment for videoconferencing is camera that lets user to capture video information at his or her site and transmit to someone on the other site. Video display is used to display video at their site and a microphone to hear the audio material.

Videoconferencing terminals require a compressor/decompressor interface that helps in compressing the information while passing from audio to video to make transmission of materials sufficient over net. It is useful in sending the large files from one computer to another. Codec machine also works for decoding and encoding the useful information. A computer and high-speed Internet connection are essential for a successful video conferencing. High-speed Internet connection makes your video conferencing effective and interesting.

Video conferencing is reliable and an excellent method of communication. Videoconference can easily connect you with other companies. You can generate your business from one place and give instructions to your subordinates. It makes bright future for your business and institution. This pioneering technology keeps your company up to date.

Video conferencing is currently an affordable way of communication. A large range of videoconference units is available in the market. Buyers should check company expansion and system compatibility while choosing the best video conferencing unit.
read more “Video conferencing guide- Learn about Video Conferencing”

Many people find that having and using phone cards for long distance calling simply makes sense. Whether you have employees who are sometimes out of the office or kids away from home
phone cards can have many practical uses.

If you provide calling cards for kids or employees to get in touch with you
be sure you’re purchasing from a reputable company. Some phone cards are notorious for their busy signals. When you call in
you get a recording that indicates the circuits are all busy and that you should try your call again later. It’s not going to do much good to page your employee only to have him or her unable to get a line to call in with the phone cards.

Think it’s going to be too much trouble for your teen to keep up with a phone card? If he or she can memorize the phone card number
parents can retain the phone card and simply recharge it periodically to be sure the teen has the ability to stay in touch. If you’re consistently recharging the same phone card
there’ll never be a need to learn more than the one access number. If you’re planning to do this
be sure that you purchase the phone card from a reputable company that will be around for you to continue recharging the card over a period of time.

For those who hang on to their phone cards themselves
there are some real advantages. Some public phones have the ability to read the cards
eliminating most of the hassle of using pre-paid phone cards.

Another positive use for phone cards is home use. If you have had trouble getting good long distance phone service at a reasonable price
phone cards may be the answer for several reasons. First
you pay as you go. There’s never a gigantic long distance phone bill to hit you at the end of the month. As long as you put all your long distance phone calls on the phone cards
you’ll be paying only for your basic service. The downside is that you have to jump through the hoops of dialing up the phone card number before making your call.

Remember that phone calls made with phone cards are going to give an unusual caller identification number to the recipient. If you’re calling someone who tends to not answer unless they know the caller
be sure to let them know that you’re using phone cards and that your home number won’t show up on the caller ID.
read more “Uses for Phone Cards Employers Parents Anyone”

Many people find that having and using phone cards for long distance calling simply makes sense. Whether you have employees who are sometimes out of the office or kids away from home
phone cards can have many practical uses.

If you provide calling cards for kids or employees to get in touch with you
be sure you’re purchasing from a reputable company. Some phone cards are notorious for their busy signals. When you call in
you get a recording that indicates the circuits are all busy and that you should try your call again later. It’s not going to do much good to page your employee only to have him or her unable to get a line to call in with the phone cards.

Think it’s going to be too much trouble for your teen to keep up with a phone card? If he or she can memorize the phone card number
parents can retain the phone card and simply recharge it periodically to be sure the teen has the ability to stay in touch. If you’re consistently recharging the same phone card
there’ll never be a need to learn more than the one access number. If you’re planning to do this
be sure that you purchase the phone card from a reputable company that will be around for you to continue recharging the card over a period of time.

For those who hang on to their phone cards themselves
there are some real advantages. Some public phones have the ability to read the cards
eliminating most of the hassle of using pre-paid phone cards.

Another positive use for phone cards is home use. If you have had trouble getting good long distance phone service at a reasonable price
phone cards may be the answer for several reasons. First
you pay as you go. There’s never a gigantic long distance phone bill to hit you at the end of the month. As long as you put all your long distance phone calls on the phone cards
you’ll be paying only for your basic service. The downside is that you have to jump through the hoops of dialing up the phone card number before making your call.

Remember that phone calls made with phone cards are going to give an unusual caller identification number to the recipient. If you’re calling someone who tends to not answer unless they know the caller
be sure to let them know that you’re using phone cards and that your home number won’t show up on the caller ID.
read more “Uses for Phone Cards Employers Parents Anyone”

Wireless headset technology has provided us with comfort an convenience unthought of twenty years ago. Who could have predicted how utterly immersed technology would be in every facet of our lives? Our professional and personal lives are made easier by the newest technologies that come out every year.

One of the greatest improvements on wireless technology in recent years is the advent of the wireless headset. If you are looking for the most luxurious wireless headset then check out USB headsets.

USB headsets utilize the newest technologies in their models while incorporating comfort and luxury into their headset. USB headsets thinks about the extras such as plush ear pads to enhance your online experience. Let’s face it; it is easy to get lost online chatting with our friends or enjoying a game with online buddies. Plush ear pads allow you to have the most of that experience with out discomfort.

USB headsets also have the outside noise canceling function. Say goodbye to the annoyance of the person you are speaking to not being able to hear you due to outside noise on your end. These technologies will only enhance your experience whether it is listening to music
talking to your girlfriend who is overseas
or enjoying a LAN party.

USB headsets also use the latest in audio technology to give you the highest quality sound. This is great for when you are downloading your favorite tunes. The USB headsets have soft touch controls that allow you to adjust the volume and microphone quickly (this especially good for those times you need to quickly mute).

So if you are in the market for a new wireless headset and you are looking for luxury and those extras that will enhance your online experience then consider a USB headset. You can get a premium headset for about $50 with high frequency
excellent audio
plush ear pads
one year warranty
and a lot of little extras that truly make USB headsets the Cadillac of wireless headsets.

Ultimately when we are online we want to enjoy our friends
and relationships. We want to enjoy these things while taking a break from our life and the daily stresses we encounter. Those around us don’t always respect our down time and see our computer time as a time they can engage us in unwanted conversations and requests. A USB wireless headset will improve this annoyance while giving us cutting edge technology.
read more “USB Headsets the Cadillac of Headsets”

UMTS (Universal Mobile Telephone Service) is a third generation (3G) cellular technology
which provides data speeds up to 2 Mbps making portable videophones a reality. UMTS was developed and standardized by ETSI (European Telecommunications Standard Institute) within the ITU's IMT-200 framework. The technology is optimized to allow state of the art
very high-speed multimedia services such videoconferencing
full motion video
and Internet access.
UMTS features the support of several leading telecommunications operators and manufacturers. Universal Mobile Telephone Service has attempted to create an opportunity to build a market for highly customized and user-friendly mobile access to the information society. The intention of UMTS is to create and extend the capability of today's mobile
cordless and other satellite technologies by providing more data capability
and an increased and greater range of services. This is achieved by using an innovative radio access scheme and an enhanced and ever evolving core network.
UMTS offers a wide range of tele-services and bearer services. Tele-services include services such as speech or SMS. Bearer services provide the capability for transferring information from one point to another. Universal Mobile Telephone Service also has the ability to negotiate and renegotiate the characteristics of a bearer service at a connection establishment or session and during connection or ongoing session. Both connectionless services and connection oriented services are provided for Point to Multipoint and Point to Point communication.
UMTS's bearer services features various QoS parameters for maximum transfer delay
bit error rate
and delay variations. Also offered byUMTS are data rate targets that include 144 kbits satellite and rural outdoors
kbits urban outdoor and 2048 kbits indoor and low range outdoor. UMTS network services feature various QoS classes for four types of traffic such as: Streaming class which included video on demand
and web casts
Conversational class which included voice
video gaming
and video telephony
Background class which included SMS
and email
and finally Interactive class which included network gaming
database access
and web browsing.
Universal Mobile Telephone service also boasts a VHE or Virtual Home Environment. VHE is a concept that has been developed for personal service environment portability across network boundaries and between various terminals. Personal service environment ensures that wherever the user is located or whatever network or terminal the user may be using
they are getting the same User Interface customization
personalized features
and services. UMTS ensures location based services and improved network security
making it attractive for users as well as highly efficient for them to use.
read more “UMTS”

A UIF file stands for Universal Image Format. It is a powerful compression format for image files and is used for backing up your CDs/DVDs. First
we may define an image file as equivalent to a CD/DVD or an exact replica of a CD/DVD. The UIF file format contains several enhanced features not usually found in ISO. Several of these key features involve data compression
password protection and backup. You can find a variety of software that supports this kind of file extension. Some will be under proprietary licenses
but there is also a lot of free software that deals with this file format.
How do I mount UIF files?
It is very easy to mount UIF files. Simply mount them in a virtual CD drive and then you can do virtually anything as if it was a real CD/DVD. Follow these general steps in mounting your UIF files:
• Select the virtual drive or drag and drop the file into your virtual drive's tray.
• Choose mount or load; at times it will auto-load.
• Select the desired file or operations.
How do I convert a UIF file to ISO?
At times
you may find it convenient to convert a UIF file to the more popular ISO format. There are several software programs available that designed for converting UIF files into ISO format. All you have to do is load your UIF file into it
choose standard ISO format
and away you go. Afterwards
you can mount it using any kind of CD/DVD emulator.
read more “UIF File”

A two-way radio is a device which transmits and receives voice signals through the air. They work somewhat like a telephone
but since they do not require a central network they can be used anywhere! With two way radios
two or more people can have a discussion no matter where they are -- sometimes while they are miles apart! Another common name for a two-way radio is a “walkie talkie”.

The most common type of two-way radio for regular consumers is the FRS/GMRS two-way radio. These are the radios that you typically see in the big-box stores. FRS and GMRS are the different frequency ranges
or channels
that these radios can operate on. The FRS channels are 8 though 14 and the GMRS channels are 15-22. Channels 1 through 7 are shared
and are used by both the FRS and GMRS systems.

All radios in your group will need to be set to the same channel before you can communicate. For example
if your radio is set to channel 7 it will send your voice over that channel when you talk
and it will listen for and allow you to hear other people talking on channel 7. It is always important to remember that these channels are public! Always be careful what you say over a two way radio
because you can never be sure who is listening.

When choosing a channel
privacy and range should be your primary concerns. If you are using a FRS only channel
because of government regulations your radio will only broadcast at a maximum of .5 watts of power. This wattage will typically get you between half a mile
and one mile of range. If using a GMRS channel
you can get the maximum output power and range out of your two-way radio. However
if you are using a GMRS channel
you are required by the FCC to purchase a license to operate on those frequencies.

As far as privacy goes
if you choose a channel and notice that there are others using the same channel
you should switch to a different channel to avoid confusion. Sometimes
such as at a crowed amusement park
channels just aren’t enough to provide privacy. Because of this
most mid range radios and up also provide “Privacy Codes
” which break up a single channel into anywhere between 38 and 121 sub-channels. When you figure in the privacy codes
many radios offer over 1000 individual channels for you to choose from.

Some two-way radios operate on AA or AAA batteries. You will also find that many of the radios come with rechargeable battery packs and desktop chargers. If you buy a model with a rechargeable battery pack
you will get the convenience of the rechargeable batteries and plus
you will still be able to operate them with regular batteries if your battery packs happen to drain before you get them back to their chargers.

There are many good uses for a two-way radio
but they can come in especially handy on family vacations or outings. Have you ever taken a trip to an amusement park or a ski trip and somehow got separated from your friends or family? A two-way radio would have been very helpful to locate one another. How about taking more than one car on a road trip? A two-way radio would be a great means of communication between vehicles.

Another popular sport in which two-way radios can play a big part is hunting. Hunters are always in need of some sort of communications device to keep in contact with one another throughout the woods. The avid hunter can now even find two-way radios in camouflage color!

The major brands of two-way radios include Motorola
Kenwood and Uniden. You can find radios from these manufacturers in all different ranges of output power and distance. There are all different types of features out there you can get with your two-way radios as well. Many two-way radios even support the NOAA weather channels. There are also lots of accessories you can find for your two-way radios including headsets
handheld speakers
earbud receivers
and throat mics. A lot of these you can even operate hands-free as long as they
and the radios
are VOX capable. You can now even buy car chargers for your two-way radios!

It is no doubt that two-way radios have come along way over the years. Most people have found them impossible to live without
just like cell phones! From starting out at a maximum range of about 2-5 miles
you can now find them with maximum ranges of up to 14 miles! Next time you are on the go with friends or family
make sure you’re prepared and take a two-way radio along. They may just prove to be pretty handy.
read more “Two Way Radios A Beginner s Guide” adds the Palm Treo 700w Smartphone—the first Palm phone device available on Windows Mobile platform—to its already vast selection of Treo devices. The Treo 700w is a full-featured phone with easy-to-navigate features and high-speed CDMA networking capabilities that successfully combines phone
Web browser and camera in one small device.

“With the Treo 700w
users get the power of a Windows Mobile environment with the speed of high-speed
broadband internet access and the one-handed navigation of a Treo Smartphone
” says Jennifer Bean
IS Director of eCommerce at

Treo 700w Accessories
such as a 512 MB or 1 GB expansion card
Bluetooth headsets
optional screenguards and versatile cases make the 700w’s functionality truly exceptional. Plus the device’s integrated QWERTY keyboard with 5-way navigator—Windows Mobile 5 action keys—in the center of the phone allows users to access everything with one hand. Scroll messages
scan Web pages
read documents and find phone numbers easily.

Central to the device’s functionality is an enhanced Today Screen system
a Windows Mobile-based experience that gives users access to their phone numbers
calendar appointments
unread emails
Web searches and more without the need to go through a menu screen.

“We are pleased to offer this user-friendly
high-functioning device and huge selection of quality Treo accessories to our customers
” Bean says. “This ultra-portable device allows users to stay in touch with home and office while on the go without the need of a laptop.”

For quick information access and versatile usability
The Treo 700w Smartphone is Palm’s first to integrate EvDO
the latest generation of high-speed CDMA networks
which supports download speeds of 400-600 Kbps. The device has 128 MB of memory
user storage and a 1.3 megapixel camera with 2x zoom.
read more “ Offers the Palm Treo 700w Smartphone the First Verizon Windows Mobile Device Built Into the Power of a Palm”

Conference calls are a convenient method of communicating with a lot of people all at once. Technologies today allow many different types of conference calling.

For a small business
simple 3-way calling may suffice. This feature is available through your telephone company and whatever long-distance rates you have on the phone that originates the call will apply.

When several people located in many different places need to access conference calls
a conference call company can provide this service.

A basic conference call service offers audio conference calls (also called teleconferencing) over the telephone. Usually
you have the option of toll-free calls or flat-rate calls.

“Toll-free” is sort of a misnomer because “toll-free” does not mean it’s entirely a free call because the person or business that hires the conference call company pays for the service.

Toll-free conference calls are free for the participants. With toll-free packages
participants use a toll-free number to dial into the call via the conference call company.

The charges for the calls are usually by the minute for the length of the call. In many cases
the more minutes used
the less money per minute it costs. For instance
one package may offer 1
toll-free minutes for $70 or 7 cents a minute. If you go over 1
each additional minute would cost 7 cents. Another package may offer 10
minutes for $400 or 4 cents a minute and 4 cents for each minute over 10
minutes. You can see the cost goes down with the larger packages.

A flat-rate conference call package requires the participants to pay their own long-distance charges. They dial a regular phone number to access the call via the conference call company. The company who hires the conference call company also pays a flat fee to set up the service.

The conference call companies always offer features that augment their basic service. For example
you can have the conference call company record your conference calls and then provide a playback. The playbacks can even be on-demand so people can hear them at any time 24/7.

As you might imagine
conducting a live conference call with dozens of people on the line at once could get a bit out of hand with everyone talking at once and noise in the background as well. Technology comes to the rescue with mute buttons that allow the moderator and/or operator to control what is broadcast on the call.

The operators at the teleconferencing companies can assist you in many ways. In addition to connecting participants as they call in to access your conference
operators can even call participants and then connect them to your call. Operators can attend the entire conference call
providing opening announcements
introductions for host and speakers
moderating question and answer sessions and making closing comments at the end of the call.

Audio conference calls are not the only options available to you. Web conferencing is another type of conference call that utilizes access through participants’ computers. Participants are able to view PowerPoint and whiteboard presentations and to share documents. Communication among participants can be audio or via chat formats. Upgrades of web conferencing services include application and desktop sharing
remote control and video conferencing.

As you can see
there are many ways that businesses today can communicate effectively via conference calling. There are lots of conference-calling companies to choose from and the competition among them drives good bargains for business owners who will take the time to do a little research to find the best bargains.
read more “Toll Free Conference Calls”

The dreaded long distance calls fee regularly haunts individuals of all ages. From chatty Cathys to gabby Garys
everyone seems to have a problem when sky high long distance bills.

If you are tired of paying an astronomical phone bill
look into alternatives that will allow you to bring down your monthly balance without having to end conversations with friends and family members across the country. Before you hang up the phone for good
know there are a variety of options available that will enable you to keep talking without draining your pocket book.

Most individuals have ditched the traditional land line phones in favor of cellular phones. These portable communication devices enable you to take your conversation with you wherever you go. Cellular phone plans have free long distance service
allowing you to call everyone you know from Alaska to Florida without incurring any additional fees.

it should be known that most cell phone plans are based on minutes used during peak times and any overage costs may be quite steep. Cell phone companies are constantly having different promotions regarding their coverage areas
talk times
and overage fees. Some companies now features roll over plans that allow your unused minutes to be added to your next month’s pot. Other companies allow individuals to speak unlimited time in certain areas or call others with the same plan without penalty.

If you wish to keep your traditional home telephone
or land line
consider looking at all your long distance options. There are many plans that
for a flat fee each month
allows you unlimited long distance minutes. These plans are usually more expensive than traditional long distance plans
but can save you a great deal of money if you regularly use excessive long distance minutes.

There are also long distance plans that offered tiered pricing for their minutes. For example
long distance fees will be eight cents a minute until you hit a certain number of minutes
where the cost dips to five cents. Another time tier will lower the price to three cents a minute
assuming you use that many minutes a month.

Another option is to consider completely canceling your long distance program and purchasing a calling card. This will cut down on the amount of long distance calls you make a month
since you will no longer be able to pick up the telephone and directly dial. Furthermore
calling card rates are usually cheaper than traditional long distance plans
and since the cards are pre paid
you know the exact amount you are spending on your long distance. When the monthly phone bill rolls around
there will be no surprises!

use completely different methods curb your long distance costs. Consider using e-mail or an instant messaging program to communicate with your friends and loved ones. There are several programs that allow you to speak over the internet using a microphone attached to your computer. Bring back the old fashioned notion of letter writing
since the 37 cent stamp is a great deal cheaper than a long distance bill than can run up hundreds of dollars.
read more “Tired Of High Fees For Long Distance Calls”

Web-savvy analysts and SEO’s can’t say enough about just how social bookmarking sites like Newsvine
Reddit or StumbleUpon etc are very important when trying to increase traffic to a new blog or website. Often times however
many great articles go unnoticed on social bookmarking forums and sites since their front pages or headlines are not catchy enough.

Creating a good impression on web users has got to start foremost with the way your headline sounds. A site’s headline is the first
and most often the main thing users will see from your article
so if you don't make the effort to provide a catchy headline
your chances of getting to the main page are nil.

Create Attention-Grabbing Headlines

Crafting the headline is crucial in drawing web traffic. However
if you want to keep that attention always
create a meaningful description. The description must be slightly stimulating since this draws more attention but still
never use lies and false facts to provoke interest. For instance
if your write “This article will reveal to you the 10 sure ways to deal with stress once and forever and live a relaxing life from now on.”
visitors will hardly think that your story is true and facts-based.

A simple example of this would be:

Original headline : The Two Types of Cognition
Improved Headline : Learn to Understand Your Own Intelligence

Craft Interesting First Paragraphs

You could also might be lured to using long tell-it-all paragraphs to describe your masterpiece; however bear in mind that many users will not bother reading anything over 100-150 characters.

Maintain Good Content

the first paragraph is not key to everything. Going further along the chain of attracting
as well as retaining the users' attention
is key to top-level content. If your articles are just trash or plain bland
then bookmarking them would be useless. You might get away with it and cheat users once
but don't count on them coming back for repetitive visits. To make things worse
you can get your site banned from social bookmarking sites
when you persistently post useless trash.

Make Full Use of RSS Feeds And Newsletters

SS feeds
newsletter subscriptions
affiliate marketing are all forums wherein the traffic from social bookmarking sites could be of great help. A lot of people who come to your site and like it
will subscribe to RSS feeds and/or your newsletter.

Don’t Rehash Old News

Submitting old news will not help you in becoming a respected user. Yesterday's news is history. However
if you still need to re-submit old stuff
consider placing feature articles
howtos and similar pieces that would remain up-to-date for quite some time.

Despite the differences in the likes of the different social bookmarking forums and communities
there are striking similarities. You will soon discover that if a post is well-liked inn one of the major sites
this generally drives it up on the other major and smaller sites. An example would be that usually it is posts on site like Digg that become popular on StumbleUpon or Reddit; however there are many other examples. To use this fact to your best advantage
you may want to concentrate your efforts on getting to the front page of the major players only
and take chances on the snowball effect to drive you to the top on other sites.
read more “Tips To Social Bookmarking Success”
