Article Computers Technology


As a retailer for commercial phone systems
I am often asked what criteria should be considered when revamping or replacing a business phone system. While there are many individual considerations that are specific to each situation
most of these fall under the umbrella of knowing what you have and what you need
and finding the best price.

you will need to know what type of phone system you have
what type of phone system you need and your current expansion possibilities. Both Key systems and PBX can be expanded
although Key systems will only afford you so many lines. Expansion is almost always cheaper than bringing in a new system
so if you can expand on your current system
weigh the costs of doing so against replacing the entire system. Based on your current usage and expected growth
you should be able to surmise what course of action to take regarding expansion or replacement.

you will want to find the features you need at the lowest price. Indeed
it's as simple as it sounds. If you are expanding
you will simply add more lines and handsets in conjunction with your current setup
so features really don't apply unless you are upgrading handsets. If you are only expanding the same setup
you are more or less relegated to adding more of what you already have. If you are replacing a phone system
features and price are your main consideration.

Get a high quality
expandable phone system with the features you require that will handle your future volume needs while keeping an eye on the bottom line. It's no different than buying a car while you are considering starting a family. You want something that meets your needs now
but that will also be capable of handling your needs in the future for the absolute lowest price.

Buying a commercial or business phone system doesn't have to be complicated. Like anything else
once you are familiar with what's out there
a little research and cost/benefit analysis will go a long way toward helping you get exactly what you need.
